Lightning Path Terminology
In order to solve the problem of Nomenclature Confusion, in order to facilitate the development of open, accessible and grounded Human Development Framework, particularly one that incorporates a sophisticated spirituality the Lightning Path provides its own neutral, non-denominational, unbiased, and modern terminology.
Terms on these pages are Lightning Path terms. Many terms on this page are original and exclusive to the Lightning Path system. Many others are external terms that fit the "non-biased, non-denominational, and modern" requirement Still others are terms the LP has incorporated, but redefined or redefined in a significant way.
A quick note...
This is a rough list. I'm sure I've included some external terms inappropriately, and there is still work to do in refining and defining LP concepts. The resource is constantly evolving. Feedback welcome, but please keep your flames to yourself.
Pages in category 'Lightningpath'
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 801 total.
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- Accountability
- Accumulating Class
- Accumulation
- Activation
- Activation Archetype
- Activation Challenge
- Activation Experience
- Addiction Analysis
- Addiction Defenses
- Administrative Framework
- Advanced Spiritual Practice
- Affirmation of Awakening
- Affirmation of Compassion
- Affirmation of Connection
- Affirmation of Self
- Agent of Consciousness
- Agents of Socialization
- Alienation
- Aligned
- Aligned Action
- Alignment
- Alignment Archetype
- Alignment Manual
- Alignment Rule Set
- Allegory of the Bucket
- Archangles of Creation
- Archetypal Fabric
- Archetypal Gestalt
- Archetypal Node
- Archetypal Revision
- Archetypal Right Thought
- Archetypal Wrong Thought
- Archetype Cards
- Archetype Constellation
- Archetype Deck
- Archetype Framework
- Archetype System
- Archetypes
- As above in consciousness, so below in matter
- Ascended Space
- Ascension
- Ascension Epoch
- Assessment Zone
- Atlantean Debacle
- Atlantean Epoch
- Attachment
- Attachment Algorithm
- Attachment Analysis
- Attachments
- Austerity Measures
- Authentic Core
- Authentic Religion
- Authentic Spirituality
- Authoritarian Monotheism
- Automobile Metaphor
- Avatar
- Avoidance
- Awakening
- Awakening Experience
- Awareness
- Awareness Redirection Mechanisms
- Awareness Reduction Mechanisms
- Baker's Story
- Basic Needs
- Behavioural Attachment
- Behavioural Framework
- Behavioural Pathology
- Belief Systems Template
- Big Bang Theory of Connection
- Big Lie
- Big Self
- Blindfold
- Blocking Archetype
- Blocking Emotions
- Blocking Fears
- Bodily Algorithm
- Bodily Consciousness
- Body of God
- Body of Spirit
- Book of Emanation
- Book of Life
- Book of Power
- Book of Slavery
- Boundary Fetish
- Boundary Problem
- Boundary Visualization
- Bridge Metaphor
- Bright Light
- Broad Supernatural Punishment Hypothesis
- Cacophony
- Caiaphas Lie
- Calling Archetype
- Chakra Alignment
- Chakra Constriction
- Chakra Corruption
- Chakra Damage
- Chakra Health
- Chakra Pathology
- Chaos
- Chosen One
- Church God
- Cleansing Visualization
- Clearing Emotions
- Clearing Experience
- Cocooning
- Cognitive Needs
- Cognitive Wall
- Collective Consciousness
- Colonized Spirituality
- Communication Boom
- Communication Error
- Completion Experience
- Compliance and Submission
- Comprehensive Framework
- Conceptual Framework
- Conditioned Space
- Connected Consciousness
- Connected One
- Connected Science
- Connection
- Connection Account
- Connection Algorithm
- Connection Appliance
- Connection Archetype
- Connection Axes
- Connection Blockage
- Connection Coach
- Connection Cocoon
- Connection Companion
- Connection Content
- Connection Duration
- Connection Enhancements
- Connection Experience
- Connection Experience Type
- Connection Framework
- Connection Intensity
- Connection Literature
- Connection Manual
- Connection Obstacle
- Connection Outcome
- Connection Parameters
- Connection Pathology
- Connection Poem
- Connection Practice
- Connection Preparation
- Connection Procedure
- Connection Processing
- Connection Quality
- Connection Space
- Connection Stages
- Connection Supplement
- Connection Technique
- Connection Therapist
- Connection Therapy
- Connection Visualization
- Consciousness
- Consciousness is the root of all things
- Consciousness Quotient
- Constricted Connection
- Containment
- Contested Spaces
- Control Clause
- Corporate Cultural Creative
- Cosmic Tuning
- Cosmic Watershed
- Cosmic Womb
- Creation
- Creation Practice
- Creation Template
- Creation Variables
- Creation's Equation
- Creative Epoch
- Creative Moment
- Crown Activation
- Crown Stupification
- Crown Stupifier
- Crown the Kingdom
- Cyclical Moments
- Dance of Creation
- Dark Continent
- Death Experience
- Death Tests
- Debacle
- Declaration of Self
- Defence Mechanisms
- Defense Mode
- Deficit Mode
- Denial
- Dependent Need Fulfillment
- Destruction of Attachments
- Detachment
- Dhikr
- Differentiated Consciousness
- Differentiation of Consciousness
- Dimensions of Creation
- Diminishment
- Discernment Red Flags