
From The SpiritWiki

Related LP Terms

The System > Accumulating Class, Accumulation, Authoritarian Monotheism, Baker's Story, Creation Template, Dark Continent, Elite Religion, Elite Spirituality, European Grand Narrative, Great Deception, Institution, Regime of Accumulation, Regime of Distribution, Rocket Scientists' Guide to Money and the Economy, Slave Class, Superstructure, System Agent, System Architect, System Maintenance, Unfettered Accumulation

Non-LP Related Terms

The System > Economic Class, Exploitation, Ideology, Karl Marx, Labour Value, Maya, Money, Neurodecolonization, Proletariat, The Pyramid


"The polemical attacks on Sufism by fundamentalists have had the primary goal of making Sufism into a subject that is separable from Islam, indeed hostile to it. This strategy permits fundamentalists to define Islam as they wish by selective use of certain scriptural texts." [1]

  1. Ernst, Carl W. The Shambhala Guide to Sufism. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1997. p. xiv.