Attachment Algorithm

From The SpiritWiki

An Attachment Algorithm is a biological control process designed to facilitate the survival and nourishment of the Physical Unit. The body's attachment algorithm drives the body to attach to individuals and groups which can help meet the Seven Essential Needs

Bodily Algorithms

Bodily Algorithm > Attachment Algorithm, Connection Algorithm, Needs Algorithm, Pleasure Principle, Reality Principle

Related LP Terms

Attachment Algorithm > Attachment, Attachments, Toxic Attachment

Non-LP Related Terms

Attachment Algorithm >


"Children develop attachments for reasons thought to be deeply rooted in evolution, to ensure the parental care required for their safety and healthy development....According to Bowlby, attachment represents a primary, biologically-based motivational system, selected through evolution to promote survival through maintenance of proximity to one or more primary caregivers "[1]

The Oxytocin functions of the Physical Unit are implicated in Attachment and the attachment algorithm.[2]==Related LP Courses==


  1. Oliveira, Paula, and Pasco Fearon. “The Biological Bases of Attachment.” Adoption and Fostering 43, no. 3 (2019): 274–93. p. 274-5.
  2. Oliveira, Paula, and Pasco Fearon. “The Biological Bases of Attachment.” Adoption and Fostering 43, no. 3 (2019): 274–93.