
From The SpiritWiki

As noted in Rocket Scientists' Guide to Money and the economy,[1] Accumulation is the practice of accumulating labor power in the form of money. Accumulation is the process of gathering and storing money in any of its various forms.

Syncretic Terms

Accumulation > Profit

Related LP Terms

Accumulation > Baker's Story

Non-LP Related Terms

Accumulation > Abstracted Labour Time, Labour Time, Labour Value


In a Barter economy, practical limits on the ability to accumulate prevent problems from emerging. In a fully monetized economy, the ability to accumulate abstracted labor (i.e. money) allows for the development of many deadly social, economic, spiritual, and political pathologies which can only be cured by erasing debt and limiting accumulation.


  1. Sosteric. Rocket Scientists’ Guide to Money and the Economy: Accumulation and Debt. St Albert, Alberta: Lightning Path Press., 2016.