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Judgment is an Old Energy Archetype from the Masonic Tarot Deck..

List of Old Energy Archetypes from the Masonic Tarot

Chariot, Death (archetype), Duality, Hermit, Hierophant, High Priestess, Judgement, Justice, Star, Strength, Sun (archetype), Temperance, The Devil, The Emperor, The Empress, The Fool, The Hanged Man, The Lovers, The Magician, The Moon, The Tower, The Wheel of Fortune, The World (old energy)

Old Energy Archetype Constellations

Old Energy Archetype Constellations > Binary Gender, Chosen One, Compliance and Submission, Excuse and Justification, Fool in School, Good versus Evil, Isolated Individuality, Judge and Punish/Reward, Only the Chosen, Secrets

Related LP Terms

Old Energy Archetypes > Archetype Deck, Creation Template, Symbol

Non-LP Related Terms

Old Energy Archetypes > Book of Slavery


Book of Power

Judge and Punish/Reward

"(Judgement; the resurrection of the Master.) The rejuvenated dead person lives again in the Son of Putrefaction. Everything which possesses life within itself emerges from the tomb of oblivion when the trumpet of the great Judgement sounds. The experience of centuries gives to men wisdom and understanding. Hiram resumes the directing of work which will never again be interrupted."[1]

"How can the reawakening of nature under the influence of the Word be better expressed? We must admire the way in which the symbol answers to the corresponding Hebrew hieroglyphic. 1. Return to the divine World. The Spirit finally regains possession of itself--"[2]

BOP: A graduation point or inflection point. Entrance into an inner circle, or movement up the pyramid. "Judgement; the resurrection of the Master.)"[3]

Book of Slavery

Binary Gender: "That Divine Breath is the angel of the twentieth Key. He is the Universal Creative Fire, concentrated in solar force....The influence poured from the trumpet is recieved by the outstretched arms of the women....she symbolizes the fluidic and passive Fire..."[4]

"Judgement pops up in a Tarot reading when you are close to reaching a significant stage in your journey. You have reviewed and evaluated your past experiences and have learned from them. All the pieces of the puzzle of your life are finally coming together to form one, unified picture of your life story. This integration has healed deep wounds, and you are now able to put the past behind you. You have found your absolution, having cleared any wrongdoings or regrets, and releasing any guilt or sadness about the past. This purging process will leave you refreshed and ready to take on any new challenges."[5]

Neo-liberal hogwash: "In the outer world this card refers to the creative impulse in man which calls forth the highest within him; the strains of divine dis- content that keep him striving upwards to new heights of endeavour." [6]


"This idea of Judgement as a call to rise to a more meaningful existence has its analogues in more ordinary situations..."[7] "

A "calling" to "dissolve ourselves completely into the spirit and wonderous life contained in every being. This call comes from both inside and outside us, for one of the effects of the Sun was to break down the artificial barrier between inner experience and the outer world. We feel the call in our deepest selves as if the very cells of the body were filled with a shout of joy. At the same time, we recognize that the call comes from some force greater than any individual life." [8]

"The extra people imply another, very vital point. By showing a whole group rising the trump reminds us that there is no personal liberation. Each human being is part of the human race and therefore responsible for the development of the race as a whole. No one can be truly free while someone else is enslaved. Buddha was said to have come back as a boddhisatva because he understood that he could not liberate himself until he had liberated all humanity."[9]


  1. Wirth, Oswald. Tarot of the Magicians: The Occult Symbols of the Major Arcana That Inspired Modern Tarot. San Francisco. CA: Weiser Books, 1990. p. 172.
  2. Papus, The Tarot of the Bohemians (Wilshire Book Co, 1978), https://sacred-texts.com/tarot/tob/index.htm. p. 150.
  3. Wirth, Oswald. Tarot of the Magicians: The Occult Symbols of the Major Arcana That Inspired Modern Tarot. San Francisco. CA: Weiser Books, 1990. p. 172.
  4. Case, Paul Foster. An Introduction to the Study of the Tarot. New York: Kindle Edition, 1920. p. 43-4.
  5. ———. “Judgement Tarot Card Meanings.” Biddy Tarot (blog). Accessed July 12, 2020.
  6. Douglas, Alfred. The Tarot: The Origins, Meaning, and Uses of the Cards. Canada: Penguin Books, 1991. p. 112.
  7. Pollack, Rachel. Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom. Harper Collins, 1980. p. 124.
  8. Pollack, Rachel. Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom. Harper Collins, 1980. p. 124.
  9. Pollack, Rachel. Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom. Harper Collins, 1980. p. 137.

Fool in School Binary Gender