
Five Barriers to Human Flourishing

An Avatar.Global Resource

Five Barriers to Human Flourishing

The Five Barriers to Human Flourishing are the five barriers that prevent Human Flourishing and the actuation and Full Realization of Human Potential. The five barriers are financial, cognitive, emotional, neurological, and spiritual.[1]

Concept Map


  1. Financial barriers to study are barriers caused by the inability to pay for access to education and training.
  2. Cognitive barriers are things like bias, misconception, and confusion that make it hard to think about and understand concepts and ideas. This confusion is caused by Agents of Socialization more involved in Toxic Socialization and social control.[2]
  3. Emotional barriers are caused by emotions that block a person from learning. These include emotions like self-doubt, fear, anxiety, self-deprecation, or even anger. These emotions arise from many different places. For example, a Catholic who has experienced religious indoctrination and abuse might reject all forms of religion and "religious" discourse as abusive. A child whose self-image has not been nurtured, or that that has been constantly told they are stupid may not feel worthy or competent to study and learn.
  4. Neurological barriers are barriers to study caused by bodily systems damaged by Toxic Socialization.
  5. Spiritual barriers include things like Misalignment and Disjuncture, both of which cause anxiety, shame, guilt and other Blocking Emotions and both of which make it hard to properly connect the Spiritual Ego and Bodily Ego. teachings.

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  1. Mike Sosteric and Tristan Sosteric, The Pathfinder Model (PEM) of Education 2025,
  2. Cognitive barriers are a particular problem when it comes to introducing "spiritual" ideas outside of certain established boxes and heavily reinforced guarded boundaries.