
Triumph of Spirit Archetype System

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Triumph of Spirit Archetype System

The Triumph of Spirit Archetype System (TOSAS)[1] is a system of New Energy Archetypes designed to facilitate healing, empowerment, and spiritual reconnection. It provides an alternative to old energy archetypes, which historically have been used to facilitate System Maintenance. TOSAS consists of a set of 22 archetypes that serve as powerful symbols for spiritual and psychological transformation. Together these archetypes constitute the Triumph of Spirit Narrative. The archetypes in this narrative answer Big Questions about human identity, purpose, and the nature of existence. Unlike traditional old energy archetypes, which provides answers that emphasize hierarchy, submission, and compliance, the Triumph of Spirit archetypes provide answers that facilitate Human Development and the actuation of full Human Potential, specifically by providing a Master Narrative/Creation Template aimed not at System Maintenance but one that that supports the Seven Components of Human Development. A complete listing of the archetypes is provided below.

TOSAS Archetypes

Concept Map

Archetype Systems


The archetype system, which can be used to decolonize one's thought processes and behavioural responses, to help others decolonize through education and the provision of decolonized art, is implemented in visual form in the Triumph of Spirit Archetype Deck.

The TOSAS is a Connection Appliance and Healing Appliance.

TOSAS provides a clear and complete break with the Masonic Tarot.[2] Note, this is not the first attempt to create such a break. The Tarot for the Aquarian Age from 1962 was one such attempt. "This Tarot was obtained, according to the authors, from an unnamed source referred to only as “One,” through the Ouija board, in a series of sessions involving a group of four persons and lasting several months in 1962.... In the Aquarian Tarot each of the twenty-two cards, with a new image and new name, is regarded as a progression from a corresponding card of the old deck. The reason for the progression is said to be first, to rescue the Tarot sym­bols from their degenerate use as fortune-telling cards, and secondly, because we are entering a new phase, the Aquarian phase, of the cycle of human evolution-in-consciousness and new sym­bols are called for." "[3]

Related LP Content and Courses

  • Writing New Stories - Lightning Path Patreon course on archetypes, narratives, master narratives, creation templates, and the Triumph of Spirit Archetype System.

Reading List

Ellens, J. Harold. “Introduction: The Destructive Power of Religion.” In The Destructive Power of Religion: Violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, edited by J. Harold Ellens, 1–9. Westport, CT: Praegar, 2001.

Sosteric, Mike. Lightning Path Workbook Four -Archetypal Study and Flow Control Using the Triumph of Spirit Archetype System. Vol. 4. Lightning Path Workbook Series. St. Albert, Alberta: Lightning Path Press, 2020.

Sosteric, Mike. “A Short Sociology of Archetypes,” 2020. - a short overview of archetypes, creation templates, Symbol Factories and Ideological Institutions

Sosteric, Mike. “From Zoroaster to Star Wars, Jesus to Marx: The Art, Science, and Technology of Human Manipulation,” Athens Journal of Philosophy. - The Origins of this planet's Old Energy Archetypes

Sosteric, M. (2020c). Rethinking the Origins and Purpose of Religion: Jesus, Constantine, and the Containment of Global Revolution. Athens Journal of Social Sciences, 9(1), 69–88.

Sosteric, Mike. "The Triumph of Spirit Archetype System (TOSAS).

Sosteric, Mike. "A Sociology of Tarot." Canadian Journal of Sociology 39 3 (2014). Freemason's Old Energy Creation Template

Sosteric, Mike. "Star Wars Is a Religion That Primes Us for War and Violence." The Conversation 2018.


  1. Pronounced "tohsis"
  2. Sosteric, Mike. “A Sociology of Tarot.” Canadian Journal of Sociology 39, no. 3 (2014).
  3. Metzner, Ralph. Maps of Consciousness: I Ching, Tantra, Tarot, Alchemy, Astrology, Actualism. New York: Collier Books, 1971.

Archetype System