New Energy Archetype
An Avatar.Global Resource
New Energy Archetype
A New Energy Archetype is an Archetype whose creative intent is the awakening, activation, and connection/ascension of the individual and the planet.
Related LP Terms
New Energy Archetypes > Agent of Consciousness, Archetype Constellation, Archetype Deck, Creation Template, New Energy, New Energy Creation Template, Old Energy Archetype, Right Thought, Symbol, Triumph of Spirit Archetype System
Non-LP Related Terms
List of New Energy Archetypes
New Energy archetypes emphasize understanding, awareness, unity, joy, divine purpose, nonviolence, and prosperity for all regardless of any genetic, gender, ethnic, spiritual, or cultural characteristics of the Physical Unit. New energy archetypes may be contrasted with Old Energy Archetypes.
Related LP Content and Courses
Reading List
Ellens, J. Harold. “Introduction: The Destructive Power of Religion.” In The Destructive Power of Religion: Violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, edited by J. Harold Ellens, 1–9. Westport, CT: Praegar, 2001.
Sosteric, Mike. Lightning Path Workbook Four -Archetypal Study and Flow Control Using the Triumph of Spirit Archetype System. Vol. 4. Lightning Path Workbook Series. St. Albert, Alberta: Lightning Path Press, 2020.
Sosteric, Mike. “A Short Sociology of Archetypes,” 2020. - a short overview of archetypes, creation templates, Symbol Factories and Ideological Institutions
Sosteric, Mike. “From Zoroaster to Star Wars, Jesus to Marx: The Art, Science, and Technology of Human Manipulation,” Athens Journal of Philosophy. - The Origins of this planet's Old Energy Archetypes
Sosteric, M. (2020c). Rethinking the Origins and Purpose of Religion: Jesus, Constantine, and the Containment of Global Revolution. Athens Journal of Social Sciences, 9(1), 69–88.
Sosteric, Mike. "The Triumph of Spirit Archetype System (TOSAS).
Sosteric, Mike. "A Sociology of Tarot." Canadian Journal of Sociology 39 3 (2014). Freemason's Old Energy Creation Template
Sosteric, Mike. "Star Wars Is a Religion That Primes Us for War and Violence." The Conversation 2018.