
From The SpiritWiki

Repentence is a Christian term that refers to a step in the process of Alignment the involves the recognition of the causes of Disjuncutre, and turning away from Sin and towards God. [1] (i.e. towards Connection).</ref>

Syncretic Terms

Alignment > Asha, Brahmacharya, Conversion Experience, Divine Perfection, Ethical Perfection, Eudaimonia, Gonennoncwal, Heavenly Marriage, Holiness, Ka'nikonhrÌ:io, Ondinoc, Perfect Connection, Perfection, Purification, Purity, Rectitude, Renunciation, Repentence, Righteousness, Samyaktva, Sane Living, Tahdhīb al-akhlāq, Taubah


"The notion of 'purity' and 'purification' is one of the commonest and most characteristic ideas in Orphic literature;"[2] In Orphic literature, purity included "a particular mode of life" (i.e. Right Environment and Right Action, such as not partaking of animal food. Note, according to Adam, in the Orphic mysteries, we strive for the purity of the soul. On the LP we would say the soul is pure enough, being above the disruption, disease, and corruption of blindfolded existence, and that "purification" really refers to the alignment of the spiritual ego, body, and living spaces so as to provide a suitable space for the full expression of Highest Selff

"So he looked and saw three groups of people and each group was of a different size. The first was large, the second small and the third still smaller. "Then the messengers asked him, 'What do you see?' "He answered, 'I saw three groups, the first a large group, the second half as large as the first and the third still smaller.' That is what he said when he answered. "Then they replied, 'Truly you have seen. The groups represent the people of earth. The first group you saw was composed of those who have not repented; the second group was inclined halfway, and the third group, the smallest one, was composed of those who have repented. They are protected by the true belief in Gai'wiio `.'"[3]

Repentence was an important feature of peyote practice amongst the Winnebego. As one informant told Radin, "If a person who is truly repentant eats peyote for the first time, he does not suffer at all from its effects. But if an individual is bull-headed, does not believe in its virtue, he is likely to suffer a good deal."[4]


  1. Hewitt, Glenn A. Regeneration and Morality: A Study of Charles Finney, Charles Hodge, John W. Nevin, and Horace Bushnell. New York: Carlson Publishing, 1991.
  2. Adam, James. The Religious Teachers of Greece. Gifford Lectures. New Jersey: Reference Book Publishers, 1965.
  3. Parker, Arthur C.. The Code of Handsome Lake, the Seneca Prophet (Illustrated) (Kindle Locations 1182-1188). Global Grey. Kindle Edition.
  4. Radin, Paul. “A Sketch of the Peyote Cult of the Winnebago: A Study of Borrowing.” Edited by G. Stanley Hall. Journal of Religious Experience 7, no. 1 (1914): 1–22. p. 5.