
From The SpiritWiki

A Monad is Consciousness concentrated and intensified intensified to the point where Ego emerges. The term monad is syncretic with the LP term Spiritual Ego.

Syncretic Terms

Spiritual Ego > Ajayu, Angel, Atman, Augoeides, Blazing Star, Brahman, Bright Light, Buddha Nature, Deep Self, Divine Ego, E, Father in Heaven, Genuine Self, God Self, Great Self, Guardian Angel, Higher Genius, Higher Self, Highest Self, Holy Spirit, Immortal Spirit, Inner Radar, Inner Self, Inner-Self, Intensification of Consciousness, Intrinsic Consciousness, Kra, La, Monad, Monadic Consciousness, Monadic Intensification, Neshamah, Ohr, Original Face, Paramatman, Real Ego, Real Self, Sakshi Chaitanya, Saug, Self, Soul, Spirit, Super Ego, Supreme Self, The Four Unthinkables, The Knower, The Witness, Transcendental Self, True Self, Unconsciousness... further results

Related LP Terms

Monad > Differentiated Consciousness, Ego, First Birth, Intensification of Consciousness, Monadic Consciousness, Monadic Intensification, Monadic Node

Non-LP Related Terms

Monad >


Since you are self aware, you are a monadic intensification of consciousness. Since you are reading these words in the eyes of your physical body, you are a monadic intensification of consciousness incarnated in a Physical Unit.

Monads may or may not find expression in the physical universe. When a monad expresses inside the physical universe we may refer to them as Monadic Expressions. When monads "take a seat" in a Physical Unit, they may be referred to as Resident Monadic Consciousness.

The monadic nature of Consciousness is visually represented by the Tree of Lights.

Chat GPT summary for further research

  1. Philosophical and Spiritual Literature:
    • Plato's Timaeus: Plato introduced the concept of monads as fundamental units of reality, describing them as indivisible and immutable entities.
    • Neoplatonism: Neoplatonic philosophers such as Plotinus and Proclus developed the concept of monads further, considering them as emanations from the One or the ultimate source.
    • Hermeticism: Hermetic texts, such as the Corpus Hermeticum, also discuss monads as essential components of the cosmos, embodying divine principles.
    • Gnosticism: Gnostic texts often refer to monads as divine sparks or particles of the divine essence trapped within the material world.
  2. Scientific and Philosophical Literature:
    • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: Leibniz, a philosopher and mathematician, introduced the concept of monads in his metaphysical system. He described monads as simple substances with perception and appetition, constituting the ultimate building blocks of reality.
    • Alfred North Whitehead: Whitehead, a philosopher and mathematician, incorporated the concept of monads into his process philosophy. In his work "Process and Reality," he presents monads as the ultimate constituents of reality, each possessing subjective experiences.
    • Rudolf Steiner: Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy, discussed monads in his spiritual-scientific worldview. He described monads as evolving spiritual beings that undergo reincarnation and spiritual development.
    • Contemporary Physics and Cosmology: Some modern theories, such as string theory or certain interpretations of quantum mechanics, discuss fundamental entities that can be likened to monads in their simplicity and indivisibility.

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