
From The SpiritWiki

Ohr ("Light" Hebrew: אור‎; plural: Ohros/Ohrot "Lights" Hebrew: אורות‎) is the Kabbalistic representation of a monadic Intensification of Consciousness. Ohr emerges out of the limitless Ain Soph/Fabric of Consciousness and becomes the divine Ego from which emanates/flows all of Creation.

Syncretic Terms

Spiritual Ego > Ajayu, Angel, Atman, Augoeides, Blazing Star, Brahman, Bright Light, Buddha Nature, Deep Self, Divine Ego, E, Father in Heaven, Genuine Self, God Self, Great Self, Guardian Angel, Higher Genius, Higher Self, Highest Self, Holy Spirit, Immortal Spirit, Inner Radar, Inner Self, Inner-Self, Intensification of Consciousness, Intrinsic Consciousness, Kra, La, Monad, Monadic Consciousness, Monadic Intensification, Neshamah, Ohr, Original Face, Paramatman, Real Ego, Real Self, Sakshi Chaitanya, Saug, Self, Soul, Spirit, Super Ego, Supreme Self, The Four Unthinkables, The Knower, The Witness, Transcendental Self, True Self, Unconsciousness... further results


Like the word Monad, you may use capital "O" Ohr to refer to the original intensification that is god with a little "g" and you may use small "o" ohr may be used to refer to any, all, or even just one of the individual "lights" that adorn the glorious Tree
