Receptive Seeking

From The SpiritWiki

Receptive Seeking is a Connection Technique, similiar to Mindullness.

List of Connection Techniques

Connection Technique > Affirmation, Affirmation of Connection, Autogenic Training, Biofeedback, Bornless Ritual, Breathing, Caloric Reduction, Cocooning, Connection Visualization, Dance, Deprivation, Detachment, Dhikr, Drumming, Fasting, Flow Control, Flow Filtration, Graduation Invocation, Holotropic Breathwork, Hypnotism, Hypoventilation, Intent, Intent to Connect, Japam, Mantra, Meditation, Mindfulness, Musical Audition, Mysticism of the Historical Event, Poetry, Power Quest, Receptive Seeking, Relaxation, Sensory Deprivation, Spirit Canoe, The Method of the Lamp, The Way of the Hollow Bone, Thought Control, Vajra Breath, Vision Quest, Visualization, Writing, Zazen


"The River of Truth flow underneath every possible source--from the sacred texts of the world's religions to secular sources such as comic strips and screenplays. But in order to recognize the wisdom everywhere you go, you need to look with an open mind that is earnestly seeking to encounter it. Many of us were never taught how to cultivate such an attitude of receptive seeking. Fewer of us had many opportunities to practice it."[1]


  1. Parish, Bobbi. Create Your Personal Sacred Text: Develop and Celebrate Your Spiritual Life. Harmony, 1999. p. 28