Ideological Institution

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Ideological Institutions are "special instruments of... thought control" designed to create a compliant population.[1]

Components of Indoctrination

Indoctrination > Creation Template, Ideological Institution, Sacrilization, Symbol Factory

Syncretic Terms

Ideological Institutions >

Related LP Terms

Ideological Institution > Agent of Consciousness, Archetype Deck, Archetype System, Archetypes, Colonized Spirituality, Exoteric Religion, Fear-Based Theology, Great Deception, Mainstream, Mechanisms of Compliance, Operationalization, Regime of Accumulation

Non-LP Related Terms

Ideological Institution > Colonization, Exploitation, Hidden Curriculum, Hollywood, Maya, Mechanisms of Accumulation, Mechanisms of Force, Mechanisms of Indoctrination, Narrative, Sacred Drama, Sacred Narrative, Submission Training


Ideological Institutions > Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Hollywood, Religion, Skull and Bones


Ideological institutions are a component of Indoctrination which is in turn a component of Toxic Socialization which is itself a Mechanism of Control the Accumulating Class uses to control and manipulate the population. Mechanisms of control are one component of the Regime of Accumulation the Accumulating Class uses to extract Labour Value from a compliant population.

Ideological Institutions use narratives created in Symbol Factories to shape our thoughts and behaviours in the world.[2] are institutions tasked with controlling "the minds of the exploited population."[3] Examples of ideological institutions include the Catholic Church, the Capitalist school system, Freemasonry and other esoteric organizations, Hollywood, and Bollywood.

Ideological institutions "are staffed and/or controlled by those who "benefit from and therefore seek to, consciously and with considerable vigour, maintain systems that provide them with “special privileges and wealth."[4]

The modern education system, the Walt Disney Corp., Marvel Studies, and the Catholic church are all ideological institutions.[5]

Here, David Bowie discusses how the established art world suppresses human creativity in order to facilitate elite profiteering from human creativity.

In this article entitled Was Modern Art Really a CIA PsyOp? Lucie Levine discusses the manipulation of artists and the use of art to prop up and defend The System.

Ideological institutions may be subdivided into [[Esoteric and exoteric institutions, and religious and secular institutions. Exoteric organizations include religious organizations like the exoteric Catholic Church and secular organizations like the Hollywood movie industry, the mainstream news and music industries, and so on. Esoteric ideological institutions include religious organizations like Freemasonry, the Golden Dawn, the Skull and Bones, and so on, as well as secular ideological institutions like the Bilderberg group. Esoteric institutions convey specially flavoured Zoroastrian archetypes to those who are already members of the accumulating classes, to those who show promise, and to those who may be perceived as threats.[6]

Although Ruyle is the inspiration for this term, he does not use the term ideological institution, instead tagging the church as the institution which controls the minds of the exploited population. "There is the church as an "organization which controls access to the sacred and supernatural and is thereby able to control the minds of the exploited population." ,[7] However, as outlined in the article "From Zoroaster to Star Wars," many other institutions are implicated in controlling the minds of the exploitive masses. [8], many other institutions are involved in controlling the minds of the exploited masses.

In capitalist societies, education, whether secular or religious, the teaching of moral reflexes handed down from father to son, the exemplary integrity of workers decorated after fifty years of loyal and faithful service, the fostering of love for harmony and wisdom, those aesthetic forms of respect for the status quo, instill in the exploited a mood of submission and inhibition which considerably eases the task of the agents of law and order. In capitalist countries a multitude of sermonizers, counselors, and "confusion-mongers" intervene between the exploited and the authorities.[9]

Ideological Institutions create/reproduce and disseminate Creation Templates.

The article "From Zoroaster to Star Wars, Jesus to Marx" tags this planet's ubiquitous Old Energy Creation Template.[10]

Here, David Bowie discusses how the established art world suppresses human creativity in order to facilitate elite profiteering from human creativity.

In this article entitled Was Modern Art Really a CIA PsyOp? Lucie Levine discusses the manipulation of artists and the use of art to prop up and defend The System.

Industrial Education System

This article clearly demonstrates the ideological and disciplinary function of ideological institutions.[11]

For a more academic treatment, see "The Rise and Fall of the Factory System"[12]

Video Lessons

The following five videos explain The System (a.k.a. the Regime of Accumulation) and the Ideological Institutions which help it function.

Related LP Content and Courses


  1. Ruyle, Eugene E. “Mode of Production and Mode of Exploitation: The Mechanical and the Dialectical.” Dialectical Anthropology 1, no. 1 (1975): 7–23. p. 11
  2. Sosteric, Mike. “From Zoroaster to Star Wars, Jesus to Marx: The Art, Science, and Technology of Human Manipulation,” Unpublished.
  3. Ruyle, Eugene E. “Mode of Production and Mode of Exploitation: The Mechanical and the Dialectical.” Dialectical Anthropology 1, no. 1 (1975): 7–23. p. 12.
  4. Ruyle, Eugene E. “Mode of Production and Mode of Exploitation: The Mechanical and the Dialectical.” Dialectical Anthropology 1, no. 1 (1975): 7–23. p. 11
  5. Sosteric, Mike. “A Short Sociology of Archetypes,” Unpublished.
  6. Sosteric, Mike. “From Zoroaster to Star Wars, Jesus to Marx: The Art, Science, and Technology of Human Manipulation,” Unpublished.
  7. Ruyle, Eugene E. “Mode of Production and Mode of Exploitation: The Mechanical and the Dialectical.” Dialectical Anthropology 1, no. 1 (1975): 7–23. p. 12.
  8. Sosteric, Mike. “From Zoroaster to Star Wars, Jesus to Marx: The Art, Science, and Technology of Human Manipulation,” Unpublished.
  9. Fanon, Frantz. The Wretched of the Earth. New York: Grove Press, 1963.
  10. Sosteric, Mike. “From Zoroaster to Star Wars, Jesus to Marx: The Art, Science, and Technology of Human Manipulation,” Unpublished.
  11. Schrager, Allison. “The Modern Education System Was Designed to Train Future Factory Workers to Be ‘Docile.’” Quartz, 2018.
  12. McDermott, John. “The Rise and Fall of the Factory System: Technology, Firms, and Households since the Industrial Revolution A Comment.” Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 55, no. 1 (December 1, 2001): 47–54.