Regime of Accumulation

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A Regime of Accumulation (a.k.a. The Regime,The System) is an economic system designed specifically so that a minority of privileged people (the Accumulating Class) can accumulate Labour Value from a suppressed and exploited majority (the Slave Class). The Regime of Accumulation consists of an Infrastructure and a Superstructure. A Regime consists of three different "modes" that define its character and govern its operation, these being the Mode of Accumulation, the Mode of Production, and the Mode of Reproduction.

Types of Regime

Regime of Accumulation, Regime of Distribution

Regime of Accumulation

Components of the Regime > Mode of Accumulation, Mode of Production, Mode of Reproduction

Regime of Accumulation

Syncretic Terms

Regime of Accumulation > Mode of Exploitation, Old World, The Machine, The Matrix, The Wheel[1]

Related LP Terms

Regime of Accumulation > Accumulating Class, Accumulation, Authoritarian Monotheism, Baker's Story, Creation Template, Dark Continent, Elite Religion, Elite Spirituality, European Grand Narrative, Great Deception, Institution, Regime of Accumulation, Regime of Distribution, Rocket Scientists' Guide to Money and the Economy, Slave Class, Superstructure, System Agent, System Architect, System Maintenance, Unfettered Accumulation

Non-LP Related Terms

Regime of Accumulation > Economic Class, Exploitation, Ideology, Karl Marx, Labour Value, Maya, Money, Neurodecolonization, Proletariat, The Pyramid


The book "Rocket Scientists Guide to Money and the Economy" is a good introduction to "The System," if I do say so myself. Available for free as a paper. Also available fir kindle and as a paperback.

Find out more now

The four videos in this YouTube Playlist - What is Money: Capitalism, Socialism, Communism teach about the current Regime of Accumulation, how it works, why we don't see it (the mystification of money), and what we can do about it.

The System (i.e., Capitalism) is responsible for the impoverishment of the planet.[2] It did not reduce extreme poverty, it created it.

A great video called Happiness examines the toxicity of the Regime's work culture

According to Ruyle[3], any Regime of Accumulation will consist of a particular Mode of Exploitation.

The current Regime of Accumulation is a capitalist regime. For an explication, see the Rocket Scientists' Guide to Money and the Economy.

An excellent overview of how the rich rig The System to benefit them is provided by economist Dean Beaker.[4]

Ruyle uses the phrase Mode of Exploitation to refer to The System. Ruyle breaks the mode of exploitation down into three interrelated systems, Exploitative Techniques, Mechanism of Force, and Ideological Institutions. Each of these systems work together to enable and propagate the exploitation of the masses. His schema is a a bit undeveloped, but useful as inspiration.

The System encourages compliance and violence: Zimbardo, of Stanford Prison Experiment fame, speaks of a part of the System that aims at encouraging people towards compliance and violence. "However, I would have missed the big picture, the bigger power for creating evil out of good—that of the System, the complex of powerful forces that create the Situation."[5] His book details the forces that cause good people to do bad things.

Zimbardo notes, in the case of Nazis and their mass murder, that getting people to do evil things involves casting the opponent as an evil enemy, and then giving official "permission" to carry out sadistic acts. [6]. The tools for labelling others as evil enemies, and the ideological underpinning that facilitates permission, can be found in the Old Energy Creation Template

The current, Stage Five system is a Capitalist Regime of Accumulation. [7]. In order for the planet to move on to Stage Seven, the Regime of Accumulation must be replaced with a Regime of Distribution that fairly and sustainably distributes the planet's bounty.

This meme from Reddit sums it up quite nicely.

The Real Lord of the Flies


"The Most Wicked are always those in Power—The whole History of Humanity is the History of the Forcible Appropriation of Power by the Wicked and their Oppression of the Good."[8]

Related LP Content and Courses


The following book provides a more narrative expose/revelation of The System and what we can do to end it.


  1. to add, Buddhism: World of Avidya Rishis: World of Maya, a global fraud perpetrated by magicians and tricksters. Christianity: Hell, ruled over by Satan, in particular Cathar thinking.
  2. Sullivan, Dylan, and Jason Hickel. “Capitalism and Extreme Poverty: A Global Analysis of Real Wages, Human Height, and Mortality since the Long 16th Century.” World Development 161 (January 1, 2023): 106026.
  3. Ruyle, Eugene E. “Mode of Production and Mode of Exploitation: The Mechanical and the Dialectical.” Dialectical Anthropology 1, no. 1 (1975): 7–23.
  4. Baker, Dean. Rigged: How Globalization and the Rules of the Modern Economy Were Structures to Make the Rich Richer. Washington, DC: Center for Economic and Policy Research, 2016.
  5. Zimbardo, Philip. The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil. New York: Random House, 2007.
  6. Zimbardo, Philip. The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil. New York: Random House, 2007.
  7. Sosteric. Rocket Scientists’ Guide to Money and the Economy: Accumulation and Debt. St Albert, Alberta: Lightning Path Press., 2016.
  8. Tolstoy, Leo. The Kingdom of God Is Within You (Classics To Go) EBook: Leo Tolstoy: Gateway. Translated by Constance Garnett. CreateSpace, 2016.