Subliminal Seed Regime

From The SpiritWiki

Subliminal Seed Regime is Jahn and Dunne's …[1] [2] term for the The Fabric of Consciousness.

Syncretic Terms

Fabric of Consciousness > Absolute Mind, Adhi Buddha, Ain Soph Aur, Al-Haqq, Allah, Ancient One, Anima Mundi, Blazing Star, Brahman, Brahmic Splendor, Central Order, Crown, Divine Fire, Field of the Universe, First Mover, Formless, God, GodHead, Govinda, Great Artist, Great Being, Great Breath, Great Gardener, Great Light, Great Self, Guardian Angel, Immortal Spirit, Ineffable Light, Kether, Mind at Large, Nam Shé, Nirguna Brahman, Nondual God, Nonlocal Mind, Oversoul, Primal Self, Primum Mobile, Purusha, Realms of Consciousness, Simurg, Spirit, Subliminal Seed Regime, Supreme, Supreme Spirit, The Dreaming, The Lord, The Old One, The One, The Power and the Glory, Transpersonal Realm... further results


  1. R.G. Jahn and B.J. Dunne, “Sensors, Filters, and the Source of Reality,” EXPLORE 3, no. 3 (May 1, 2007): 326, doi:10.1016/j.explore.2007.03.018.
  2. R.G. Jahn and B.J. Dunne, “A Modular Model of Mind/Matter Manifestations (M 5),” Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing 3, no. 3 (January 1, 2007): 311–24.