
From The SpiritWiki

Exploitation is the act of utilizing another person for selfish purposes, regardless of any disadvantage the exploitation may cause to that person. Exploitation may be economic, sexual, emotional/psychological, gender, as when an individual exploits another based on their gender.

Related LP Terms

Exploitation > Ideological Institution, Mode of Accumulation, Regime of Accumulation

Non-LP Related Terms

Exploitation > Mechanisms of Accumulation, Mechanisms of Force, Mechanisms of Indoctrination


Exploitation may be economic, as when a Capitalist extracts Labour Value from a worker's work time, sexual, as when a Patriarch exploits another sexually, emotional/psychological, as when an individual exploits another person for emotional or psychological support, or gender, as when an individual exploits another based on their gender.

Economic Exploitation Notes that economic exploitation does not occur naturally or without effort. Enabling economic exploitation of the masses requires ongoing operation of The System. For a basic rundown of economic exploitation, The System, and how this operates in the current Capitalist world order, watch the "What is Money" videos on YouTube[1]. Pay attention to the nature of money, the mystification money, and some of the strategies used by Capitalists to extract Labour Value from the workers.
