Archetypal Recalibration

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Revision as of 13:56, 11 March 2025 by Michael (talk | contribs)

Archetypal Recalibration refers to the process of realigning and restoring archetypal structures that have been distorted, co-opted, or corrupted under the Old Energy Regime of Accumulation. It is a necessary step in the transition from hierarchical, exploitative paradigms to Harmonic Social Structures, ensuring that human consciousness, culture, and institutions resonate with higher-order principles of balance, autonomy, and collective well-being.

Syncretic Terms

Archetypal Recalibration >

Related LP Terms

Archetypal Recalibration > Connection Technique, Creation Template, Flow Filtration, New Energy Archetype, Revolution of Consciousness, Triumph of Spirit Archetype Deck, Triumph of Spirit Archetype System

Non-LP Related Terms

Archetypal Recalibration > Graduation Archetypal Recalibration


Core Premise

In a healthy Creation Template, archetypes, symbols, myths, and Social Roles act as guides for human development, reinforcing health, growth, integration, self-actualization, Alignment, and Connection. However, in Old Energy systems, these archetypes are:

  1. Distorted to justify domination and control.
  2. Weaponized to manufacture compliance and obedience.
  3. Fragmented to sever individuals from their full potential and higher consciousness.

Thus, archetypal recalibration is an essential process of spiritual, cognitive, psychological, emotional, and societal healing, restoring archetypes to their intended harmonic functions.