LP Psychological Framework
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LP Psychological Framework
The LP Psychological Framework is a component of the Lightning Path Human Development Framework (LPHDF). It theoretically delineates the various elements and relational dynamics of the human psyche. It offers a theoretical and practical delineation of the structure, function, and developmental dynamics of the human psyche. Rooted in the LP's integrative model of bio-psycho-social-spiritual health, this framework emphasizes connection, human potential, and the critical importance of nurturing environments
Related LP Terms
Lightning Path > Hard Path, Human Development Framework, Human Flourishing, LP Archetype Framework, LP Connection Framework, LP HEALING Framework, LP Social Media Channels, Lightning Path Core, Lightning Path Curriculum, Lightning Strike, Nomenclature Confusion, Psycho-Social-Spiritual Education
Non-LP Related Terms
Non-LP Related Terms
Key Concepts and Principles
Nature of the Psyche
The Human Psyche consists of several interdependent components:
- A non-material core consciousness (Spiritual Ego)
- A biologically grounded Bodily Ego
- Neurological and instinctual underpinnings (e.g., Bodily Algorithms , Ego Modes
- Emergent phenomena like cognition, emotion, and behavior
The Nature of Human Consciousness
Human consciousness is bio-psycho-social-spiritual in nature. The Spiritual Ego brings transcendent awareness and higher potential. The Bodily Ego is shaped by biological structures, psychological conditioning, social experience, and cultural programming.
Functional Purpose
The Psyche exists to:
- The Psyche exists to ensure the survival and thriving of the Physical Unit across all bio-psycho-social-spiritual domains. It facilitates Connection, learning, and the expression of full Human Potential.
- Facilitate Alignment and both internal and external Connection
- Facilitate growth, creativity, agency, (i.e., Human Flourishing)
Sensitivity and Vulnerability
The Human Psyche is sensitive, adaptable, and powerful, but also vulnerable to:
- Neglect of the Seven Essential Needs
- Exposure to Toxic Socialization
- Persistent emotional, physical, or spiritual assault (i.e., persistent violence).
Damage and the 5Ds
- Damage to the human psyche—across biological, psychological, social, and spiritual levels—results from neglect of the Seven Essential Needs. This leads to the progressive stages of Toxic Existence (the 5Ds), which manifest as mental illness, emotional distress, physical disease, social dysfunction, spiritual disconnection, and ultimately, death
Understanding human health, development, and potential—creating Eupsychia by nurturing full Human Potential—requires an in-depth understanding of all elements of the human psyche, what they are, how they function, and how they interact.
The primary goal of Human Development is to develop a healthy, fully actuated/fully realized Physical Unit capable of achieving a strong and persistent Connection (i.e., Perfection) between the Spiritual Ego and Bodily Ego
The strength of Connection is indicated by the Consciousness Quotient.
In order to develop a healthy Physical Unit with a strong and independent Bodily Ego, all Seven Essential Needs of the individual must be sufficiently met throughout an individual’s lifespan.
When all of the seven essential needs are sufficiently met, the individual Bodily Ego enters Growth Mode. When in growth mode, the individual devotes time and energy towards creative, humanitarian, and spiritual pursuits.
When any of the seven essential needs go unmet, the bodily ego enters Deficit Mode and incurs significant biological damage. For example, failing to meet a child’s need for nutritious food damages the neurology and physiology of the body, stunting growth and undermining development. Failing to meet the child's need for love, affection, and unconditional acceptance damages the child's ability to connect. While in Deficit Mode, the bodily ego directs energy and resources towards meeting unmet needs.
When the specific environmental need for a safe home and environment is thwarted, the bodily ego enters Defense Mode. While in defense mode, the bodily ego directs energy towards defending the body from psychological, emotional, physical, or spiritual assault.
When bodily energy is directed towards overcoming deficits or defending assault, growth mode is attenuated or deactivated, and physiological, emotional, and cognitive development Human Development suffers.
Most currently identified psychopathologies are rooted in a neglected and/or traumatized bodily ego operating chronically in deficit mode, defense mode, or both. Most current pathologies may be treated as intelligent attempts by the Physical Unit to adapt to suboptimal environmental conditions.
The goal of psychology is to heal damaged caused by chronic deficits and assaults to the bodily ego may exit deficit and defense mode and enter Growth Mode where energy and resources re directed towards healing and connection.
Implications for health, agency, and connection:
A Physical Unit operating in chronic Deficit or Defense Mode—disconnected from its bio-psycho-social-spiritual integrity—is highly vulnerable to control and manipulation. Healing and empowerment occur when individuals restore internal alignment and are supported by environments that meet their full-spectrum needs.
Being as that the primary motivation of an individual in deficit mode is to meet unmet needs, and being that the primary motivation of an individual in defense mode is to protect itself from assault, a physical unit operating in deficit or defense mode is easy to manipulate and control. Any individual or organization that promises the satisfaction of an essential need or protection from assault may gain control over an individual. By contrast, individuals whose essential needs are sufficiently satisfied and who are not constantly directing energy towards protection are independent, creative, and very difficult to manipulate.
- Bodily Algorithms
- Pleasure Principle: The drive to seek pleasure and avoid pain.
- Attachment Algorithm: Mechanisms governing emotional bonds and attachments.
- Defense Algorithm: Algorithms designed to keep the Physical Unit] and Bodily Ego] safe.
- Needs Algorithms: Processes ensuring the fulfillment of fundamental physiological and psychological needs.
- Connection Algorithm: Mechanisms facilitating the connection between the bodily and spiritual egos.
- Reality Algorithms (reality principle): The ability to perceive and navigate the external world effectively
- Ego Modes:
- Growth: Positive development and expansion of self.
- Defense: Protective mechanisms that maintain the status quo.
- Deficit: States of lack or insufficiency.
- Repair: Mechanisms focused on healing and restoring balance.
- Emotional Mechanisms:
- Blocking Emotions/Mechanisms: Emotions that hinder or obstruct.
- Steering Emotions/Mechanisms: Emotions that guide or direct.
- Clearing Emotions/Mechanisms: Emotions that purge or cleanse.
- Signal Emotions/Mechanisms: Emotions that indicate states or conditions.
Connection: The nature and quality of connection between the spiritual and bodily ego, influenced by factors such as:
- Nature of the Body: The physical form and its evolutionary health.
- Seven Essential Needs: Fundamental needs for well-being.
- Life Experiences: Positive and negative experiences that shape development.
- Toxic Socialization: Negative societal influences leading to the 5Ds of Toxic Existence