
From The SpiritWiki

Bodhisuta (बोधिसुता) the desire to teach children

List of Buddhist Terms

Bodhicitta, Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Vow, Bodhisuta, Buddha Mind, Gifts of the Spirit, Kalki, Kalpa, La, Mantra, Moksha, Nam Shé, Nirvana, Nu Shug, Pure Land, Sangha, Satori, Shambhala, Sutta, Tathagata

Syncretic Terms

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Related LP Terms

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Syncretic Terms

Bodhisuta >


Rudolf Steiner, founder of Anthrosophy, created the Waldorf School to help to provide an aligned educational process or, as ?? says an education system "based upon factors inherent in the nature of the growing child..." Paul Marshal in CM