Bodhisattva Vow

From The SpiritWiki

The Buddha Vow is a motivational intent statement people say to themselves when seeking to become the status of Bodhisattva [1]

List of Buddhist Terms

Bodhicitta, Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Vow, Bodhisuta, Buddha Mind, Gifts of the Spirit, Kalki, Kalpa, La, Mantra, Moksha, Nam Shé, Nirvana, Nu Shug, Pure Land, Sangha, Satori, Shambhala, Sutta, Tathagata

Syncretic Terms

Bodhisattva Vow >

Related LP Terms

Bodhisattva Vow >


One version of The Vow: "I will establish all beings, without exception, in a state of present happiness and ultimate happiness, and I will free all beings, without exception, from their present suffering and from all suffering."[2]


  1. Rinpoche. The Bhodhisattva Vow. Vancouver: Siddhi Publications, 1999.
  2. Rinpoche. The Bhodhisattva Vow. Vancouver: Siddhi Publications, 1999. p.1-2.