The Way of the Hollow Bone

From The SpiritWiki

The Way of the Hollow Bone is a Native American Connectin Practice. It is a method used to open a Trance Connection to The Fabric of Consciousness.

List of Connection Techniques

Connection Technique > Affirmation, Affirmation of Connection, Autogenic Training, Biofeedback, Bornless Ritual, Breathing, Caloric Reduction, Cocooning, Connection Visualization, Dance, Deprivation, Detachment, Dhikr, Drumming, Fasting, Flow Control, Flow Filtration, Graduation Invocation, Holotropic Breathwork, Hypnotism, Hypoventilation, Intent, Intent to Connect, Japam, Mantra, Meditation, Mindfulness, Musical Audition, Mysticism of the Historical Event, Poetry, Power Quest, Receptive Seeking, Relaxation, Sensory Deprivation, Spirit Canoe, The Method of the Lamp, The Way of the Hollow Bone, Thought Control, Vajra Breath, Vision Quest, Visualization, Writing, Zazen

List of Connection Practices

Connection Practice >


Michael Drake presents drumming as a practice capable of inducing a "transcendent state of unity consciousness" where one becomes a Hollow Bone, an individual who has or can enter a trance state "without their personal ego. This non-ego hollowness makes a way for Spirit to use them as a healing tool. In this way, the shaman is a channel for higher consciousness."[1]

Michael Drake suggests a tempo of three to four beats per second. "Focus your attention on the sound of the drum, thereby stilling the chatter in your mind. Allow the drum to empty you - become one with the drum."[2]

Shamanic drumming facilitates Channeling, specifically Trance Channeling, a disconnected form of Intramonadic Communication. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, but the long term goal is not Trance Connection but Perfected Connection.

Further Reading

Drumming the Hollow Bone


  1. Drake, Michael. "Drumming the Hollow Bone." Sacred Hoop Magazine 2012.
  2. Drake, Michael. "Drumming the Hollow Bone." Sacred Hoop Magazine 2012.