Lightning Path Human Development Framework

From The SpiritWiki
Revision as of 18:59, 28 August 2023 by Michael (talk | contribs)

The Lightning Path Human Development Framework (LPHDF) is a modern, comprehensive, scientifically grounded Human Development Framework designed to provide and support Healing, Reconnection, and the actuation of full Human Potential. The LPHDF asserts that health, connection, and the actuation of full Human Potential requires sufficient satisfaction of one's Seven Essential Needs. Failure to meet essential needs leads to dysfunction, disease, and disconnection (the 3Ds) which in turn necessitates Healing and Reconnection.

Elements of The Lightning Path

The Lightning Path > LP Research Program, LP Socials, LP Techniques and Practices, Lighting Path Curriculum, Lightning Path Human Development Framework, Pathfinder, SpiritWiki, Triumph of Spirit Paradigm

LP Human Development Framework

LP Framework > LP Archetype Framework, LP Connection Framework, LP HEALING Framework, LP Psychological Framework

List of Human Development Frameworks

Arica School, Baha'i, Buddhism, Eupsychian Theory, Gnosticism, Holistic Nursing, Jainism, Karma Yoga, LP Connection Framework, Monastic Christianity, Neo-Hinduism, Sanatana Dharma, Shattari, Sufism, Taoism, The Lightning Path, Theosophy, Transpersonal Psychology, Wicca, Yoga, Zen

Related LP Terms

Lightning Path Human Development Framework > Holy Grail, Human Potential

Non-LP Related Terms

Lightning Path Human Development Framework > Human Development

