From The SpiritWiki
Jadhb is an Islamic term for the Connection Pathology that sometimes occurs upon the "sudden cognizance of a superior reality" that "disturbs everyday human equilibrium." [1] (i.e., an overpowering Connection Experience"
Types of Connection Pathology
Communication Error, Connection Psychosis, Constricted Connection, Ego Inflation, Egoic Collapse, Egoic Explosion, Flooding, Gurutitus, Majdhub, Spiritual Emergency
Related Terms
Jadhb can lead, depending on the mental and emotional well being of the individual, to Ego Inflation, Egoic Explosion or even permanent Egoic Collapse.
In Islam, a Majdub is an individual who has experienced Jadhb and who has become "deranged in a benight way" as a result."[2]