Connection Framework

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A Connection Framework is any organized system of thought and practice aimed at facilitating healing and inducing and strengthening Connection. Connection frameworks ideally consist of an integrated, accessible and spiritually grounded ontology plus effective Connection Practices which can facilitate said healing and reconnection.

List of Connection Frameworks

The following is an incomplete list of extant and extinct connection frameworks.

Arica School, Baha'i, Buddhism, Eupsychian Theory, Gnosticism, Holistic Nursing, Jainism, Karma Yoga, LP Connection Framework, Monastic Christianity, Neo-Hinduism, Sanatana Dharma, Shattari, Sufism, Taoism, The Lightning Path, Theosophy, Transpersonal Psychology, Wicca, Yoga, Zen

Syncretic Terms

Connection Framework > Mission, Mystery School, Path of Attainment, The Way

Related LP Terms

Connection Framework > Archetype Framework, Connection, Connection Framework, Connection Technique, Focus Point, HEALING Framework, LP Assessment Tools, LP HEALING Framework

Exogenous to the LP

Connection Framework > Perfection


The Lightning Path is a connection framework. See LP Connection Framework.

Buddhism, Monastic Christianity, Shamanism provide connection frameworks.
