Fool's Narrative
The Fool's Narrative (a.k.a. the Fool in School narrative), is a Master Narrative (a.k.a. Creation Template) constructed by the Accumulating Class in Symbol Factories and then disseminated through their Ideological Institutions. The Fool's narrative suggests that human beings are born onto Earth in order to "train" and grow in some kind of evolutionary/spiritual fool's journey towards some long-away goal of perfection of ascension.
Master Narratives
Master Narrative > Evolving Primate Narrative, Fool's Narrative, Zoroastrian Narrative
Narrative Types
Narrative > Elite Narrative, Existential Narrative, Functional Narrative, Master Narrative, Mundane Narrative
Syncretic Terms
Fool's Narrative > Fool in School, Hero's Journey
Related LP Terms
Non-LP Related Terms
Fool's Narrative > Heroic Individualism, Narrative
The Fool's Narrative is implemented in the Masonic Tarot.