Enhanced Empathic Response

From The SpiritWiki

Enhanced Empathic Response is an improvement in one's ability to experience empathy and love for others. openness, accuracy, and groundedness of one's emotional interactions with the world. EAR may be brought about as a consequence of strong Connection Experience, or a series of Connection Experiences

List of Connection Enhancements

Connection Enhancements > Enhanced Affective Response, Enhanced Connection, Enhanced Creativity, Enhanced Empathic Response, Enhanced Intellectual Function, Enhanced Morality, Enhanced Positive Affect, Enhanced Power Over Creation, Enhanced Psychological Function


Enhanced Empathic Response > Love, Moral Quickening, Spiritual Emergence, Tolerance, Turn to the Left

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Grof “When people get involved in self-exploration using non-ordinary states of consciousness, it is not necessary to teach them ecology or ethics. When they have transpersonal experiences, their systems of values changes automatically and they develop deep ecological awareness, tolerance, and compassion… and [the sense of a much larger identity].” [1]

Stanislav Grof notes that the use of Connection Supplements or Connection Practices to induce Connection Experiences reduces aggression, increases compassion and tolerance. He also notes a reduction of the "insatiable drive to pursue linear goals," reduction in the belief that "more is better," and emergence of "spirituality of a universal and nondenominational nature characterized by the awareness of unity underlying all of creation an a deep connection to other people, other species, and the entire cosmos." [2] They are, in other words, the cure for consumerism, violence, intolerance, even unhappiness.

A search of the Institute for Mystical Experience Research and Education collection of mystical experiences brings up several anecdotal account of of enhanced empathic response.

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  1. Laszlo, Ervin, Stanislav Grof, and Peter Russell. The Consciousness Revolution. Las Vegas: Elf Rock Productions, 1999. https://amzn.to/2TlOCmC. p. 130.
  2. Laszlo, Ervin, Stanislav Grof, and Peter Russell. The Consciousness Revolution. Las Vegas: Elf Rock Productions, 1999..