Mechanisms of Reproduction

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Revision as of 14:29, 14 June 2024 by Michael (talk | contribs)

Mechanisms of Reproduction are mechanisms by which the Accumulating Class reproduces its Regime from generation to generation.

Syncretic Terms

Mechanisms of Reproduction > System Maintanence

Regime of Accumulation

Regime of Accumulation > Mode of Accumulation, Relations of Accumulation

Mode of Accumulation > Mechanisms of Accumulation, Mechanisms of Compliance, Mechanisms of Reproduction

Relations of Accumulation > Accumulating Class, Slave Class, System Agent

Related LP Terms

Mechanisms of Reproduction >

Non-LP Related Terms

Mechanisms of Reproduction >


Mechanisms of Reproduction include the procreational and the ideological mechanisms.

Procreational mechanisms are those mechanisms which ensure the generation-to-generation reproduction of the "labour" force.

Ideological mechanisms ensure the reproduction of suitably trained and prepared labour force.

Under the extant regime, procreational mechanisms include the Nuclear Family, the assertion of a Gender Binary (forces women into a restrictive reproductive roles). Ideological mechanisms include the corporate media, and the primary, secondary, and post-secondary "educational" systems.

