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Transcendence (literally "going beyond") is a loosely specified, poorly understood, superstitious, and confusing word used by some to describe the idiosyncratic and complicated outcomes that occur during and after a reasonably powerful Connection Event. Transcendence occurs as a consequence of the Enhanced Intellectual Response and Enhanced Connection that occurs as a consequence of Connection Experience.


Enhanced Connection > Intramonadic Communication, Noesis, Past Life Memories, Realization of Immortality, Recollection, The Family of Spirit, Transcendence, Turn to the Left

List of Connection Outcomes

Connection Outcomess > {{#ask:Connection Outcome}


Maslow[1] provides a comprehensive listing of the feelings, shifts, and changes that occur when one "transcends" and achieves stronger Connection.

Transcendence is a loose and confusing term that does not shed any light on the actual process of Connection. In reality, one does not "transcend" anything. One connects and becomes open to knowledge, experiences, and powers (greater self-efficacy, power to heal oneself, etc.) not available to individuals who have an only weak connection.


  1. Maslow, A. H. "Various Meanings of Transcendence." Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 1 1 (1969): 56-66.