Maladaptive Adaptation

From The SpiritWiki

A Maladaptive adaptation is a physiological, emotional, or behavioural adaptation that is functional in one environment, but dysfunctional in another. For example, Attention Deficit Adaptation is functional in chaotic and violent environments, but dysfunctional in structured environments like the classroom, or the workplace.[1]

Syncretic Terms

Maladaptive Adaptation >

Related LP Terms

Maladaptive Adaptation > Connection Pathology, Ego Damage, Ego Dysfunction

Non-LP Related Terms

Maladaptive Adaptation >


Theorists have identified the fact that while psychopathologies are maladaptive, "they often represent the best adaptations the individuals are able to make given the challenges they have encountered." [2]


  1. Sosteric, Mike. Gateway to Eden: Darwin, Lamarck, and the Ascent of Humanity. Unpublished manuscript.
  2. Ryan, Richard M., and Edward L. Deci. “The Darker and Brighter Sides of Human Existence: Basic Psychological Needs as a Unifying Concept.” Psychological Inquiry 11, no. 4 (October 1, 2000): 319–38. p. 402.