Forces of Creation

From The SpiritWiki

The Forces of Creation are the fundamental forces operating as the foundations of Creation.

Related LP Terms

Creation > Cosmic Watershed, Cosmic Womb, Creative Moment, Cyclical Moments, Forces of Creation

Non-LP Related Terms

Creation > Big Bang, Flower of Life, Tawajjuh, Theology


The LP postulates two fundamental "forces" Force and Formation (a.k.a. Yin and Yang.

"According to the Sânkhya philosophy, nature is composed of three forces called, in Sanskrit, Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas. These as manifested in the physical world are what we may call equilibrium, activity, and inertness. Tamas is typified as darkness or inactivity; Rajas is activity, expressed as attraction or repulsion; and Sattva is the equilibrium of the two."<ref>Vivekananda, Swami. "Each in His Own Place." Collected Works of Swami Vivekananda. Vol. 5. 9 vols. Advaita Ashrama, 2016.