From The SpiritWiki

LSD is long duration, high power Connection Supplement.

List of Connection Supplements

Connection Supplement > 5-MEO DMT, Ayahuasca, Cannabis, Chloroform, DMT, Datura, Haoma, Kaneh Bosm, Kava, Ketamine, Kykeon, LSD, MDMA, Maikua, Manna, Nitrous Oxide, Peyote, Psilocybin Mushroom, Santa Rosa, Soma, Tobacco, Yaqona

Related LP Terms

Connection Supplement > Connection Axes, Connection Coach, Connection Companion, Connection Therapy, Crown Stupifier, Disjuncture

Related Terms

Connection Supplement > Albert Hofmann, Womb Room


Statistics show overall LSD and psychedelic use has increased from the years 2002-2019. [1]

Low doses of LSD (13ug-26ug) have the same positive emotional and cognitive impacts as base-standard doses of LSD (75ug). Study shows EEG effects are similar with both ranges of doses. [2]

As Wießner et al shows, low doses of LSD moderately induced the "afterglow" effect in test subjects. However, the researcher concludes that improvements to visuospatial memory and phonological fluency suggest that LSD-assisted therapies can be explored as novel-treatments for brain injuries, strokes, and language decline. [3]

Lifetime use of LSD, MDMA, and Psilocybin mushrooms is associated with significantly lower rates of major depressive episodes (MDEs). Jones et al. finds that Psilocybin is associated with reduced past-year MDEs whereas LSD/MDMA are associated with a global reduction in MDEs. [4]

"LSD produced long-lasting and notable reductions in anxiety and comorbid depression symptoms up to 16 weeks." [5]

"two high doses of LSD in patients with a life‐threatening illness resulted in reductions in anxiety for up to 2 months." Researchers concluded that the LSD treatments resulted in rapid improvement in depressive symptoms and highlighted uses for LSD in long-term treatment for anxiety. [6]

Glazer et al. attributed to low doses of LSD and their positive effects on the reward processing centers of the brain. Suggests that low doses of LSD may be important for treating depression. "The current study examined the effects of single, low doses of LSD (13 and 26 μg) versus placebo (LSD-0) on neural activity during reward processing in healthy adults. Compared to LSD-0, LSD-13 enhanced the hedonic and affective impact of reward (vs. neutral) feedback, reflected by increased RewP and LPP amplitudes, while both LSD-13 and LSD-26 increased the motivational salience of positive (vs. negative) feedback, reflected by increased FB-P3 amplitudes. Of note, these doses produce subjective effects that are comparable to low doses of amphetamine [50], including increases in energy, positive mood, elation, anxiety, and intellectual efficiency [12]. The ERP amplitudes in the current study were unrelated to most of these subjective effects (see Supplementary Materials). These results suggest single, low doses of LSD broadly increased neural sensitivity to reward feedback, particularly at doses that produce few perceptible subjective effects. If these findings extend to repeated doses in symptomatic participants, they may have important implications for the treatment of depressive disorders." [7]

"It has been proposed that classical psychedelics produce therapeutic effects by altering spontaneous cortical activity, inducing neural entropy that counters maladaptive neuroplasticity and associated mental rigidity" [8] This action noted and discuss by Carhart-Harris and Friston. [9]

Low doses of LSD (20ug) significantly increased the time subjects were able to withstand cold temperature. The dose also reduced the subjects subjective levels of pain and unpleasantness. [10]

LSD increases the effect (wonderment, awe, power, transcendence, feeling, etc) of music on an individual. [11] [12] [13]







LSD has nootropic properties.[14] LSD " LSD increased markers of neuroplasticity in human brain organoids, increased novelty preference in rats, and improved memory performance in humans." For the scholarly article behind the news articles, see this link.[15]

LSD makes the mouse more social.[16]

LSD is a "chemical able to produce profound changes of consciousness...and...far reaching insights into one's own self's relationship to others. Some takers of it have even felt that they had won an insight into the 'nature of the Universe and the purpose of Life.'...These insights can be remembered and, if the person wishes, can be incorporated into his or her everyday life to bring it a "better order."[17]

LSD increases awareness and intensifies perception, enhances creativity, reduces fear (of death for e.g.), distorts time, and is "eudaemonic,"[18] but not always. "As I’d discovered to my regret, if you take mushrooms or acid when you feel low, they do not enhance your mood, but instead exacerbate your anxiety and distress."[19]

When LSD was first discovered, it was quickly recognized as having both healing and spiritual import. Morgar[20] notes, "the major application of LSD today is to treat mental illness...", something which it proved particularly adept at doing. Pahnke echoes this sentiment noting that "in the 1940's ... interest in psychedelic drugs as an experimental psychiatric tool became widespread." [21]

A growing body of research indicates the healing potential of LSD and other Connection Supplements[22]

Treatment of mental illness is facilitated by increased neuritogenesis, spinogenesis, and synaptogenesis.[23]

Morgar notes, LSD can be used in two modalities. "One emphasizes the use of LSD periodically and in small doses as an adjunct to traditional techniques of psychotherapy (Crockett, et al., 1963). The other major approach employs LSD in a single, large dose, producing an intense and prolonged psychedelic experience. Applied in this manner, LSD serves as a catalyst for inducing rapid and profound changes in the subject's value-belief system and in his self-image...."[24] The latter technique "places greater emphasis on its more unique potentialities and value, namely, as a means of facilitating personal growth and self-actualization. Rather than freedom from emotional symptoms, the primary objective of the psychedelic experience becomes a major reorganization of one's beliefs and life outlook. In short, the first method is essentially illness-oriented, the second, health or growth oriented." [25] He continues "When employed as an adjunct to psychotherapy, most investigators have associated the beneficial effects of LSD with reduced defensiveness, the reliving of early childhood experiences, increased access to unconscious material, and greater emotional expression. In contrast, when used as a primary vehicle for rapid personality change, emphasis is usually placed on the transcendental quality of the experience, the resynthesis of basic values and beliefs, and major changes in the relationship between self and environment." [26] In other words, as a Connection Supplement, LSD can be used to Heal and Connection


Klee[27] notes that LSD operates by breaking down ego barriers (by suppressing the Bodily Ego). This operates at two levels. One is to reduce the individual's ability to filter stimuli, and the other is to reduce the ability of the Bodily Ego to mobilize defence mechanisms.

On inability to filter stimulu: "There is some reason to suspect that integrative mechanisms within the central nervous system (CNS) which handle inflowing stimuli are no longer able to limit the spread of excitation in the usual ways."[28] Note in this context the phenomenon of Flooding, which is a Connection Outcome. Klee actually uses the term flooding to describe the stimulus overload that can occur. Klee notes several dimension of cognitive impairment, particularly at high doses.

On the impact of LSD on the Bodily Ego and bodily ego defense mechanism "It is generally remarked that LSD dissolves the repressive barriers, or that defense mechanisms are generally impaired. These statements, in my opinion, are not entirely accurate. It is true that the subject's ability to repress is likely to be impaired. But as these barriers are lowered, and charged material threatens to enter awareness, an increased mobilization of repressive efforts often occurs in waves, operating massively and crudely to block out not only the threatening material but much associated material as well. As repression fails further, various other more regressive mechanisms are brought into play, such as denial and projection. Only occasionally will defense mechanisms fail almost entirely in certain subjects and a panic state ensue. More often, new defenses are brought into play, and the subject reaches relative equilibrium at a more regressed level. Certain mechanisms, especially repression and reaction formation, appear to be most vulnerable to LSD. Other, presumably more primitive defenses, such as regression denial, introjection, and projection, may function very effectively. For example, some predisposed subjects are capable of developing highly systematized paranoid delusions under the effects of marked LSD intoxication. In each case, subjects tend to fall back on those defenses which are most available to them, based upon their personality structures."[29]

The loss of "stimulus barries" and the negation of defense mechanisms may lead to Zenith Experiences, but they may also cause difficulty, particularly in cases where the Bodily Ego is damaged by Toxic Socialization. "The consequences to the subject of the apparent loss of stimulus barriers is in some respects analogous to the situation in a traumatic neurosis. Only in this case it needs a much milder stimulus to produce traumatic effects. Thus, a slightly threatening situation, such as mild reprobation, scorn, or unfriendliness from another person, may loom large and ominous to the subject. Strong affective reactions may occur with what appears to be only the slightest provocation."[30] When interacting with an individual with severe damage, caution should be exercised. "On some occasions during our studies we have seen subjects who found it difficult or impossible to control their behavior. These were usually persons who were rather aggressive and impulsive to begin with, but it sometimes occurs in other types. In the experimental setting, of course, these subjects were usually friendly and cooperative initially, but after taking LSD they found themselves overwhelmed with impulses, often of an assaultive nature. These feelings sometimes appeared to arise spontaneously or were provoked by a relatively slight incident, such as a painful venipuncture or a witticism directed at them by another subject. A subject at such times could barely resist putting his impulses into action. He would pace about, clench his fists, and grind his teeth to maintain control. Sometimes full-blown panic would ensue in the face of homicidal impulses which the subject felt he might be unable to control. One subject developed what appeared to be an hysterical paralysis of his limbs, apparently as a last-ditch control against assaultive behavior."[31]


Eating Disorder

Awakening to reality

Weight Loss

Improves cognitive functions (7-8 ug).

Curing addiction

Mental Health


Stanislav Grof got started on his transpersonal path with a profound LSD experience he had while volunteering as a subject in LSD trials. [32] In this experience he confronted his unconscious psyche, downloaded a shit ton of information, and finally experienced an expansion of consciousness to cosmic levels.[33]

Additional Reading


  1. Ofir Livne et al., “Adolescent and Adult Time Trends in US Hallucinogen Use, 2002–19: Any Use, and Use of Ecstasy, LSD and PCP.,” Addiction 117, no. 12 (December 2022): 3099–3109.
  2. Conor H. Murray et al., “Low Doses of LSD Reduce Broadband Oscillatory Power and Modulate Event-Related Potentials in Healthy Adults.,” Psychopharmacology 239, no. 6 (June 2022): 1735–47.
  3. Isabel Wießner et al., “LSD, Afterglow and Hangover: Increased Episodic Memory and Verbal Fluency, Decreased Cognitive Flexibility,” European Neuropsychopharmacology 58 (May 1, 2022): 7–19.
  4. Grant M. Jones and Matthew K. Nock, “Lifetime Use of MDMA/Ecstasy and Psilocybin Is Associated with Reduced Odds of Major Depressive Episodes,” Journal of Psychopharmacology 36, no. 1 (January 2022): 57–65,
  5. Friederike Holze et al., “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide–Assisted Therapy in Patients With Anxiety With and Without a Life-Threatening Illness: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Phase II Study,” Biological Psychiatry 93, no. 3 (February 1, 2023): 215–23,
  6. “LSD Reduces Anxiety Symptoms in Phase 2 Trial.,” Brown University Psychopharmacology Update 34, no. 1 (January 2023): 2,
  7. James Glazer et al., “Low Doses of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) Increase Reward-Related Brain Activity,” Neuropsychopharmacology 48, no. 2 (January 1, 2023): 418–26,
  8. Conor H. Murray et al., “Low Doses of LSD Reduce Broadband Oscillatory Power and Modulate Event-Related Potentials in Healthy Adults.,” Psychopharmacology 239, no. 6 (June 2022): 1735–47.
  9. R. L. Carhart-Harris and K. J. Friston, “REBUS and the Anarchic Brain: Toward a Unified Model of the Brain Action of Psychedelics,” ed. Eric L. Barker, Pharmacological Reviews 71, no. 3 (July 1, 2019): 316,
  10. Johannes G Ramaekers et al., “A Low Dose of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Decreases Pain Perception in Healthy Volunteers,” Journal of Psychopharmacology 35, no. 4 (April 1, 2021): 398–405,
  11. Mendel Kaelen et al., “The Hidden Therapist: Evidence for a Central Role of Music Inpsychedelic Therapy,” Psychopharmacology 235, no. 2 (February 1, 2018): 505–19,
  12. M. Kaelen et al., “LSD Enhances the Emotional Response to Music,” Psychopharmacology 232, no. 19 (October 1, 2015): 3607–14,
  13. Frederick Barrett, Katrin Preller, and Mendel Kaelen, “Psychedelics and Music: Neuroscience and Therapeutic Implications,” International Review of Psychiatry 30 (September 21, 2018): 1–13,
  14. Dolan, Eric W. “Neuroscience Research Suggests LSD Might Enhance Learning and Memory by Promoting Brain Plasticity.” PsyPost, August 11, 2022.
  15. Ornelas, Isis M., Felipe A. Cini, Isabel Wießner, Encarni Marcos, Dráulio B. Araújo, Livia Goto-Silva, Juliana Nascimento, et al. “Nootropic Effects of LSD: Behavioral, Molecular and Computational Evidence.” Experimental Neurology 356 (October 1, 2022): 114148.
  16. Inserra, Antonio, Giada Giorgini, Sebastien Lacroix, Antonella Bertazzo, Jocelyn Choo, Athanasios Markopolous, Emily Grant, et al. “Effects of Repeated Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) on the Mouse Brain Endocannabinoidome and Gut Microbiome.” British Journal of Pharmacology, October 31, 2022.
  17. Heard, Gerald. "Can This Drug Enlarge Man's Mind?" Psychedelic Review 1 1 (1963). pp. 9
  18. Heard, Gerald. "Can This Drug Enlarge Man's Mind?" Psychedelic Review 1 1 (1963). pp. 9.
  19. Szalavitz, Maia. Unbroken Brain: A Revolutionary New Way of Understanding Addiction (pp. 106-107). St. Martin's Press. Kindle Edition.
  20. Mogar, R. E. “Current Status and Future Trends in Psychedelic (LSD) Research.” Journal of Humanistic Psychology 2 (1965): 147–66.
  21. Pahnke, Walter N. “Psychedelic Drugs and Mystical Experience.” International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 1969. p. 158.
  22. Rootman, Joseph M., Pamela Kryskow, Kalin Harvey, Paul Stamets, Eesmyal Santos-Brault, Kim P. C. Kuypers, Vince Polito, Francoise Bourzat, and Zach Walsh. “Adults Who Microdose Psychedelics Report Health Related Motivations and Lower Levels of Anxiety and Depression Compared to Non-Microdosers.” Scientific Reports 11, no. 1 (November 18, 2021): 22479.
  23. Ly, Calvin, Alexandra C. Greb, Lindsay P. Cameron, Jonathan M. Wong, Eden V. Barragan, Paige C. Wilson, Kyle F. Burbach, et al. “Psychedelics Promote Structural and Functional Neural Plasticity.” Cell Reports 23, no. 11 (June 12, 2018): 3170–82.
  24. Mogar, R. E. “Current Status and Future Trends in Psychedelic (LSD) Research.” Journal of Humanistic Psychology 2 (1965): 156.
  25. Mogar, R. E. “Current Status and Future Trends in Psychedelic (LSD) Research.” Journal of Humanistic Psychology 2 (1965): 156-7.
  26. Mogar, R. E. “Current Status and Future Trends in Psychedelic (LSD) Research.” Journal of Humanistic Psychology 2 (1965): 157.
  27. Klee, G D. “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) and Ego Functions.” Archives Of General Psychiatry 8 (May 1963): 461–74.
  28. Klee, G D. “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) and Ego Functions.” Archives Of General Psychiatry 8 (May 1963): 465.
  29. Klee, G D. “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) and Ego Functions.” Archives Of General Psychiatry 8 (May 1963): 470-1.
  30. Klee, G D. “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) and Ego Functions.” Archives Of General Psychiatry 8 (May 1963): 467.
  31. Klee, G D. “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) and Ego Functions.” Archives Of General Psychiatry 8 (May 1963): 471.
  32. Grof, Stanislav. When the Impossible Happens. Boulder, CO: Sounds True, 2006.
  33. Grof, Stanislav. When the Impossible Happens. Boulder, CO: Sounds True, 2006.