3Ds of Toxic Existence

From The SpiritWiki

The 3D's of Toxic Existence are dysfunction (a.k.a. diminishment), disease, and disconnection. The 3Ds are caused by damage to the Physical Unit caused, specifically, by neglect of the Seven Essential Needs.[1]

Related LP Terms

3Ds of Physical Existence > Seven Essential Needs, Wrong Thought

Non-LP Related Terms

3Ds of Physical Existence >


The failure to nurture, activate, and connect are a consequence of a Toxic Socialization process implemented by System Agents working, wittingly or unwittingly, in service to The System.

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  1. Sosteric, Mike & Ratkovic, Gina. “It Takes a Village: Advancing Attachment Theory and Recovering the Roots of Human Health with the Seven Essential Needs.” Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 2022. https://www.academia.edu/61410417/