Upstairs Mind

From The SpiritWiki

Upstairs Mind is the term used by A. L. Kitselman to refer to the Spiritual Ego[1]

Kitselman Terms

A. L. Kitselman > E, E-Therapy, The Four Unthinkables, Upstairs Mind



"What is 'E'? It seems that the psychologists have taught that we have an ordinary mind and a subconscious mind. the ordinary mind is a kind of street-level mind, and the subconscious mind is a kind of downstairs mind....The downstairs mind is supposed to contain leftover trash from yesterday that bothers us. Some of the psychologists have suggested that there's an upstairs mind, too. And this upstairs mind knows a lot more than the normal street-level mind. It some people, called 'prodigies', it peeks through. [2]

"Consider that we're all geniuses -- that is -- we have a genius mind upstairs, but that in most of us, it's not connected. Now it isn't hard to just consider that possibility. And that's all you're asked to do - just sort of play along with it. Let's pretend that that's so for a while. And if you do that, you'll find that some amazing things will happen. You don't have to believe it -- just pretend. Because it's very easy to get these upstairs minds to show themselves. We all them 'E' -- for short.


  1. Kitselman, A. L. E-Therapy Lectures. Masterworks International, 2013. p. 61-2.
  2. Kitselman, A. L. E-Therapy Lectures. Masterworks International, 2013. p. 61-2.