Ruling Ideology

From The SpiritWiki

Ruling ideology, as conceptualized by Louis Althusser, refers to the master system of ideas and representations that dominate the consciousness of individuals, serving the interests of the Accumulating Class while masking and legitimizing the inequalities and exploitative structures underpinning the socio-economic system. The Ruling Ideology is what ties all the ideologies that exist in the various Ideological State Apparatuses. [1] [2]

Syncretic Terms

Creation Template > Comprehensive Framework, Discourse, Existential Narrative, Existential Paradigm, Functional Narrative, Master Narrative, Master Story, Meaning Structure, Ruling Ideology

Related LP Terms

Ruling Ideology >

Non-LP Related Terms

Ruling Ideology > Ideological State Apparatus, Ideology


"the ruling the ideology of 'the ruling class'. [3]

"While discussing the Ideological State Apparatuses and their practices, I said that each of them was the realization of an ideology (the unity of these different regional ideologies– religious, ethical, legal, political, aesthetic, etc. – being assured by their subjection to the ruling ideology)."[4]


  1. Louis Althusser, On Ideology (New York: Verso, 2008).
  2. Althusser, Louis. “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses.” In Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays. Monthly Review Press, 1971.
  3. Althusser, Louis. “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses.” In Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays. Monthly Review Press, 1971.
  4. Althusser, Louis. “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses.” In Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays. Monthly Review Press, 1971.