Connection Outcome

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A Connection Outcome is a usually positive and rarely negative outcome of Connection. Connection outcomes derive from the various Connection Enhancements and the Connection Outcomes that follow from these enhancements.

Syncretic Terms

Connection Outcome > Favours, Fruits of the Spirit, Gifts of the Spirit, Siddhi

Related LP Terms

Connection Outcome > Connected Consciousness

Non-LP Related Terms

Connection Outcome >

List of Connection Enhancements

Connection Enhancements > Enhanced Affective Response, Enhanced Connection, Enhanced Creativity, Enhanced Empathic Response, Enhanced Intellectual Function, Enhanced Morality, Enhanced Positive Affect, Enhanced Power Over Creation, Enhanced Psychological Function

List of Connection Outcomes

Connection Outcome > Connection Pathology, Déjà vu, Emotional Cleansing, Emotional Satisfaction, Enlightenment, Existential Terrors, Healing, Liberation, Perfect Connection, Perfected Connection, Perfection, Permanent Connection, Physical Sensations, Psychotic Mysticism, Realization of Self, Ritambharapragya, Spontaneous Alignment, The Unity, Transformation, Union


Thomas Roberts provides a slide that outlines the value shifts brought about by Connection Experience[1]

Connection experiences are the cure for consumerism, violence, intolerance, even unhappiness.

Stanislav Grof notes that the use of Connection Supplements or Connection Practices reduce aggression, increase compassion and tolerance. He also notes a reduction of the "insatiable drive to pursue linear goals," reduction in the belief that "more is better," and emergence of "spirituality of a universal and nondenominational nature characterized by the awareness of unity underlying all of creation an a deep connection to other people, other species, and the entire cosmos." [2]

Satisfaction of the seventh essential need - connection. "Only the experience of one's divinity in a non-ordinary state of consciousness can ever fulfill our deepest needs."[3]

Grof also notes that "Full satisfaction comes ultimately from the experience of...our own divinity, not the pursuit of material goals of any scope or kind."[4]

Spontaneous Alignment Grof "I believe that there is a system of core values which are transpersonal, which transcend those of the existing cultures. It is an ethical system that emerges spontaneously out of profound mystical experiences. It includes values upon which people from different cultures who have had these experiences would agree. I have seen this phenomenon repeatedly in our work." [5]

Abraham's Maslow's "Meta Values" emerge following Peak Experiences

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  1. See
  2. Laszlo, Ervin, Stanislav Grof, and Peter Russell. The Consciousness Revolution. Las Vegas: Elf Rock Productions, 1999.
  3. Laszlo, Ervin, Stanislav Grof, and Peter Russell. The Consciousness Revolution. Las Vegas: Elf Rock Productions, 1999. p 67.
  4. Laszlo, Ervin, Stanislav Grof, and Peter Russell. The Consciousness Revolution. Las Vegas: Elf Rock Productions, 1999. p 8.
  5. Laszlo, Ervin, Stanislav Grof, and Peter Russell. The Consciousness Revolution. Las Vegas: Elf Rock Productions, 1999. p. 1220.