
From The SpiritWiki
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Flooding is what occurs when a naive, experienced, or emotionally/psychologically damaged user of Connection Supplements is overwhelmed by a sudden, "uncontrollable," flow of thought, memory, and image


William and Janet C’de Baca note of individuals who have experienced "mystical quantum changes" (what we would define as an intense connection with profound content) are overwhelmed by the experiences. They "flood the person's thinking and feeling processes in such an intense manner that it is though the person is being redesigned."[1]

Flooding can, in rare circumstances, lead to panic attacks, Ego Explosion, Ego Bloating, and can exacerbate underlying psychological and emotional issues.

Further Reading

Safe use of Connection Supplements



  1. William R Miller and anet C’de Baca, Quantum Change: When Epiphanies and Sudden Insights Transform Ordinary Lives (New York: The Guildford Press, 2001).