Signal Emotions

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Revision as of 20:58, 21 December 2022 by Michael (talk | contribs)

Signal Emotions are emotions the Resident Monadic Self uses to communicate to its Physical Unit. The Resident Monadic Self (the "soul") uses negative emotions to signal misalignment and disjuncture, and and positive emotions to signal alignment.


Guilt, shame, anxiety, and regret are disjunctive signal emotions that signal misalignment.

Well-being, satisfaction, contentment, and even love are signal emotions used to signal aligned behaviour.

The proper response to a signal emotion is acknowledgment and action. For example, if one experiences guilt and shame, look for the source of that guilt or shame and acknowledge it. Then, act to change the circumstances so that you no longer feel any guilt. If you feel well being, satisfaction, and content, do more of what brings you these emotions.
