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A Mystic is an individual who regularly induces Connection with the express purpose of exploring, understanding, and writing about The Fabric of Consciousness and her/his experiences with it.

List of Mystics

Mystics > Agehananda Bharati, Alan Watts, Bernard of Clairvaux, Emanuel Swedenborg, Howard Thurman, Ibn al-'Arabi, Julian of Norwich, Maria Sabina, Martin Prechtel, Michael Harner, Oscar Ichazo, Romain Rolland, Shihäb al-Din al-Suhrawardi, Thomas Merton

Plotinus, Eckhart, Isaac Luria


A mystic is "an artist of a special and exalted kind, who tries to express something of the revelation he has received, mediates between Reality and the race."[1]

"Mystics are the pioneers of the spiritual world, and we have no right to deny validity to their discoveries, merely because we lack the opportunity or the courage necessary to those who would prosecute such explorations for themselves.[2]

A mystic is a person who says Ί am a mystic,' or words to that effect, consistently when questioned about his most important pursuit" (p. 25); and (2) the mystic must have the "zero-experience" of an "... intuition of numerical oneness with the cosmic absolute, with the universal matrix, or with any essence stipulated by the various theological and speculative systems of the world" (p. 25).[3]


  1. Underhill, Evelyn. Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness. New York: Dover Publications, 2002.
  2. Underhill, Evelyn. Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness. New York: Dover Publications, 2002.
  3. Quoted in Katz, N. “The Light at the Center: Context and Pretext of Modern Mysticism.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 45, no. 2 (June 1977): 260–61.