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Transformation is a Connection Outcome. Transformation is a sudden and relatively permanent change of perception and behaviour, caused by an individual's Connection Experience. When transformation occurs, an individual experiences significant "forward movement" towards a healthier Physical Unit, and stronger and more persistent Connection. Transformation is a result of the various Connection Enhancements that occurs during Connection Experiences.

Syncretic Terms

Transformation > Quantum Change, The Shift, Transformational Change

List of Connection Outcomes

Connection Outcomes > Connection Pathology, Déjà vu, Emotional Cleansing, Emotional Satisfaction, Enlightenment, Existential Terrors, Healing, Liberation, Perfect Connection, Perfected Connection, Perfection, Permanent Connection, Physical Sensations, Psychotic Mysticism, Realization of Self, Ritambharapragya, Spontaneous Alignment, The Unity, Transformation, Union


Karl Hanes reports an individual who experiences a "sudden change in behaviour and perception" and a "new level of consciousness."[1]

Transformations may be facilitated by Connection Experience.

Transformation is driven by various enhancements that derive from Connection Experience.

Transformation may also occur more gently, as a long-term consequence of Connection Practice. As Parish notes, "With every step of your journey, you will be changed. As you look for answers, ideas, clarification, and validation, not only will you learn more about the places you visit, but you will gain greater awareness of yourself. From each stage in the process, from deciding where to go to what you will look for, you will gain greater self-understanding. It's an unavoidable result of your journey.[2]

Stanislav Grof related a powerful transformative experience had when he ingested LST for the first time as a subject in LSD trials. [3] In this experience he confronted his unconscious psyche, downloaded a shit ton of information, and finally experienced an expansion of consciousness to cosmic levels.[4] The experience completely transformed his thinking and set him off on a decades long research program investigating the power of psychedelic substances to heal and transform human consciousness.


  1. Hanes, Karl. “Unusual Phenomena Associated With a Transcendent Human Experience: A Case Study.” The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 44, no. 1 (2012): 33.
  2. Parish, Bobbi. Create Your Personal Sacred Text: Develop and Celebrate Your Spiritual Life. Harmony, 1999. p. 18-19
  3. Grof, Stanislav. When the Impossible Happens. Boulder, CO: Sounds True, 2006.
  4. Grof, Stanislav. When the Impossible Happens. Boulder, CO: Sounds True, 2006.