

Talk:Spiritual Ego

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Emanuel Swedenborg

Talk:Spiritual Ego

Our inner self produces our outer self: 994, 995. The inner self then clothes itself in whatever enables it to get results in the outer self...When the Lord regenerates us, he joins our inner or spiritual self to our outer or earthly self: [1]

Note the reference to Alignment.

Meister Eckart

The Scriptures say of human beings that there is an outward man and along with him an inner man. To the outward man belong those things that depend on the soul, but are connected with the flesh and are blended with it, and the co-operative functions of the several members, such as the eye, the ear, the tongue, the hand and so on. The Scripture speaks of all this as the old man, the earthy man, the outward person, the enemy, the servant. Within us all is the other person, the inner man, whom the Scripture calls the new man, the heavenly man, the young person, the friend, the aristocrat." (PP)

Boundary of the Ego

I think it prudent to put "boundary" in scarequotes. Since monads are created by virtue of intensifying Undifferentiated Consciousness/Ain, I would suggest that the "boundary" emerges due to the huge discrepancy between the intensity in consciousness of the monadic point, and the vicinity in the Fabric of Consciousness.

Self-awareness arises at the point where sufficient consciousness intensifies enabling the newly formed Monad to experience a qualitative difference (Eye+I+Will) in perception (Eye), perspective (I) and interaction with the Fabric (will). This qualitative difference brings about the realization of Self. Self-awareness with other words.

As described in the Book of Light Volume I, subsequent Intensifications of Consciousness occurred, as a major strategy of Spirit to solve the Problem of Ennui.--Aim (talk) 13:59, 9 July 2019 (UTC)


  1. SWEDENBORG, EMANUEL. New Jerusalem (NW CENTURY EDITION) (p. 39). Swedenborg Foundation Publishers. Kindle Edition.