Fool's Narrative

From The SpiritWiki

The Fool's Journey Narrative (a.k.a. the Fool in School narrative, a.k.a. "Fool's Journey," a.k.a. "Fool's Narrative"), is a Master Narrative (a.k.a. Creation Template) constructed by the Accumulating Class in Symbol Factories and then disseminated through their Ideological Institutions. The Fool's Journey narrative suggests that human beings are born onto Earth in order to "train" and grow in some kind of evolutionary/spiritual fool's journey towards some long-away goal of perfection of ascension.

Master Narratives

Master Narrative > Evolving Primate Narrative, Fool's Narrative, Zoroastrian Narrative

Narrative Types

Narrative > Elite Narrative, Existential Narrative, Functional Narrative, Master Narrative, Mundane Narrative

List of Fool's Narrative Archetypal Constellations

Binary Gender, Chosen One, Compliance and Submission, Excuse and Justification, Fool in School, Good versus Evil, Isolated Individuality, Judge and Punish/Reward, Only the Chosen, Secrets

Syncretic Terms

Fool's Narrative > Fool in School, Hero's Journey

Related LP Terms

Fool's Narrative > Masonic Creation Template

Non-LP Related Terms

Fool's Narrative > Heroic Individualism, Narrative


The Fool's Narrative is implemented in the Masonic Tarot. The iconic first card, the "zero" in the deck, is a literal fool about to step off a cliff on a journey.


In the Masonic Tarot, the Fool's narrative is constituted via several Archetypal Constellations , so named because several cards may be implicated in the presentation of the archetype.

The Narrative

You are a fool in school here to learn important life lessons and grow spiritually. Your purpose is to journey through life's challenges, overcoming your inherent immaturity and imperfections. You are subject to divine judgment based on how well you learn these lessons and adhere to the natural order. Your role is to submit to higher wisdom and authority, recognizing that the existing hierarchies are divinely ordained for cosmic balance. As a man or woman, you have specific, complementary traits and responsibilities that contribute to societal harmony. Your position in life, whether privileged or disadvantaged, is the result of your own actions, karmic destiny, or divine will. You are here to accept your place in the grand scheme, understanding that life's ups and downs are part of a greater plan. Your task is not to question or challenge the system, but to focus on your personal growth within it, trusting that by fulfilling your designated role and learning your lessons, you will eventually achieve spiritual advancement and, perhaps, a better position in life.

Reading List

Ellens, J. Harold. “Introduction: The Destructive Power of Religion.” In The Destructive Power of Religion: Violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, edited by J. Harold Ellens, 1–9. Westport, CT: Praegar, 2001.

Sosteric, Mike. Lightning Path Workbook Four -Archetypal Study and Flow Control Using the Triumph of Spirit Archetype System. Vol. 4. Lightning Path Workbook Series. St. Albert, Alberta: Lightning Path Press, 2020.

Sosteric, Mike. “A Short Sociology of Archetypes,” 2020. - a short overview of archetypes, creation templates, Symbol Factories and Ideological Institutions

Sosteric, Mike. “From Zoroaster to Star Wars, Jesus to Marx: The Art, Science, and Technology of Human Manipulation,” Athens Journal of Philosophy. - The Origins of this planet's Old Energy Archetypes

Sosteric, M. (2020c). Rethinking the Origins and Purpose of Religion: Jesus, Constantine, and the Containment of Global Revolution. Athens Journal of Social Sciences, 9(1), 69–88.

Sosteric, Mike. "The Triumph of Spirit Archetype System (TOSAS).

Sosteric, Mike. "A Sociology of Tarot." Canadian Journal of Sociology 39 3 (2014). Freemason's Old Energy Creation Template

Sosteric, Mike. "Star Wars Is a Religion That Primes Us for War and Violence." The Conversation 2018.

