Dissonance is a consequence of the Enhanced Intellectual Function and Enhance Affective Response that arises as a consequence of Connection.
Enhanced Intellectual Function > Breakthrough, Clarification of Consciousness, Clarity, Daigo, Dissonance, Enlightenment, Epiphany, Glimpse, Gnosis, Improved Relationships, Infran, Insight, Jadhb, Moksha, Mukti, Revelation, Satori, Spiritual Emergence
Enhanced Affective Response > Breakthrough, Caring Moment, Dissonance, Forgiveness of Sins, Improved Relationships, Love, Moksha, Mukti, Oceanic Feeling, Spiritual Emergence
List of Connection Outcomes
Connection Outcome > Connection Pathology, Déjà vu, Emotional Cleansing, Emotional Satisfaction, Enlightenment, Existential Terrors, Healing, Liberation, Perfect Connection, Perfected Connection, Perfection, Physical Sensations, Psychotic Mysticism, Realization of Self, Ritambharapragya, Spontaneous Alignment, The Unity, Transformation, Union
Xolani Kacela: "Following the mystical experience, the mystic is filled with dissonance. His or her inner experience is incongruent with the outer experience. Thurman offers this description
[The mystic] sees that the world of things and men does not conform to the unity which he has experienced. Was his vision false? Was his experience genuine or merely an illusion? He finds that the two worlds must in some sense be one because he participates actively in both at the same moment but he is convinced that the meaning of the below is in the abobe. With such a conviction, ascetism no longer means withdrawal from [people] but rather it means a steady insistence that one's human relations conform more and more to the transparency of one's inner graces, one's inner equilibrium in which is his consciousness of the active presence of God."[1]
- ↑ Thurman quotes in Xolani, Kacela. Being One with the Spirit: Dimensions of a Mystical Experience." The Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 60 1-2 (2006): 89.