Awakening Experience

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An Awakening Experience is the LP term for low to moderatately intense, short duration type of Connection Experience. Technically, it is a brief increase of CQ resulting from a temporary removal of Bodily Ego defences, leading to significant, insight, realization -- a notable expansion of awareness and understanding.


Awakening Experience Types: Baptism, Initiation Experience

Awakening Experience Outcomes: Mushi-dokugo


For an awakening experience to be productive, it must be accompanied by acceptance, Accountability, and Atonement.

Awakening experiences are isolated and discrete events. Awakening experiences may be distinguished from the Awakening process, which is a process that occurs as the consequence of maturation, education, and the accumulation of discrete Connection Experience.

Martin Bidney [1] recounts an awakening experience of Tolstoy, whose experience with a talented peasant boy radically changed his perception of meaning and life.


  1. Bidney, Martin. “Epiphany in Autobiography: The Quantum Changes of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy.” Journal of Clinical Psychology 60, no. 5 (May 2004): 471–80.