Defence Mechanisms

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Defence Mechanisms are behavioural patterns of the Physical Unit that are selected and reinforced by evolutionary processes because of their direct or indirect contribution to the defence and survival of the Physical Unit.

List of Defense Mechanisms

Defence Mechanisms > Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn, Informational Positioning

Related Terms

Defense Mechanisms > Ego Threat


  • additional explanation on drive, "Defence Mechanisms"

Defence mechanisms are observable.

DMs may be internally directed or externally directed.

Defence mechanisms may be best understood by considering them like software programs coded into the genetic substrate of the Physical Unit. The programs are coded as a result of experience and accessed via associative pathways.

Genetic software generally consists of two elements, 1) eliciting conditions and 2) "winning" responses. Eliciting conditions are any conditions or experiences that the brain of the physical unit perceives of as salient, and which consequently elicit the mechanism, and winning responses are those responses that have lead, in the past, to both short term and long term survivability. The "winning" response is the response that allows the transmission of genetic materials to the next generations.

Defence mechanisms are supported by, among other things, the endocrine systems of the body. Activation of survival programming often involves releases of specific chemicals (adrenaline, testosterone, etc.) designed to both prepare for, and encourage, a certain Survival Response (e.g., fight, flight, or submission).

Survival mechanisms are supported by, among other things, the endocrine systems of the body. Activation of survival programming often involves releases of specific chemicals (adrenaline, testosterone, etc.) designed to both prepare for, and encourage, a certain Survival Response (e.g., fight, flight, or submission).

Stress and anxiety are toxic and long term exposure weakens the physical unit. Defence mechanisms work to ensure survival directly, but also to lower stress and anxiety.

It should be noted that since the evolution of the physical unit proceeds slowly (i.e. over millennial and not centuries or decades), current defence mechanisms originate in the hunting and gathering past of this planet. Some defence mechanisms may be rooted in an ancient environment and may no longer be appropriate (or necessary) for modern conditions.

Defence mechanisms are exploited by System Agents in the construction and reinforcement of The System. The survival mechanism of repression is exploited, for example, in order to subvert awareness of the bitter realities of this world. Similarly, Action or Avoidance mechanisms are exploited in order to control behaviour.