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Force is the positive, driving, empowering, and activating Aspect of Consciousness (ref. BOL). Force is the prime mobile of physical creation (ref. BOLVIII). It is the cause of, and driving engine behind, Physical Creation (ref. BOLVIII).

Force = Intent + Expectation (RSGDISCERNMENT)

Force may be contrasted with Formation.

Force is exactly equivalent with Yang.

Note, in the Collective Consciousness of this planet, force (yang) has been associated with the male body form. Subsequently (and as a consequence of the imposition of the ideology of Patriarchy, ) the male body form has been glorified and empowered above others. The association and glorification has elevated and empowered Force over Formation on this planet.

Note, the elevation of Force over Formation is a manipulated intervention in the Alchemy of Creation. While this may have alchemical utility in the short (i.e. as a strategy to achieve Ascension, in the long term the imbalanced use of Force causes the decay and disintegration of Physical Creation. In actual fact the Human Form must use both aspects of energy, Force and Formation, in order to grow, mature, develop, and stay healthy.

See Also


As above in consciousness, so below in_matter

First Creation

Problem of Ennui | Unfolding of Creation | Dimensions of Creation | Breath of God | Fundamental Factors of Creation | Problem of Daath

Second Creation

Great Cosmic Death | Acceleration | Orgasm

Third Creation

Vibration | Point of Entry (Point Zero)| Point of Separation Oroborous | Big Bang/The Watershed/Third Creation | Light Experience | Feeling

Elements of Creation | Creative Idea | Creative Position | Creative Relationship | Creative Expectation | Force+Formation | Fundamental View of Creation

Day One | Day Two | Day Three | Day Four | Day Five | Day Six

Fourth Creation

Further Reading
