Mystical Experience

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A Mystical Experience is a general syncretic term used by scientists and others to refer to what the LP refers to as Connection Experience. The term is generally used to refer to a powerful connection experience with significant cosmological contebnt.

Syncretic Terms for Connection Experience

Connection Experience > Exceptional Human Experience, Holotropic States, Mystical Experience, Pure Consciousness Event, Religious Experience, Spiritual Experience, Spiritually Transformative Experience, Transcendental Experience

See Also

Connection, Connection Experience, Connection Axes


William James notes that a mystical experience is any experience that includes the following four characteristics: Ineffability, Noetic Quality, Transiency, and Passivity[1]

Further Reading

Mike Sosteric Lightning Path Workbook One: The Basics. Lightning Path Press.


  1. James, William. Varieties of Religious Experience, a Study in Human Nature (p. 330-331). Kindle Edition.