The System

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The System refers to the legal, political, educational, police/military, and religious systems tasked with propagating and maintaining a particular world order.

Related Terms

The System > Economic Class, Exploitation, Ideology, Karl Marx, Labour Value, Maya, Money, Neurodecolonization, Proletariat, The Pyramid

Syncretic Terms

The System > Mode of Exploitation, Mode of Production, Old World, The Machine, The Matrix, The Wheel


The System encourages compliance and violence: Zimbardo, of Stanford Prison Experiment fame, speaks of a part of the System that aims at encouraging people towards compliance and violence. "However, I would have missed the big picture, the bigger power for creating evil out of good—that of the System, the complex of powerful forces that create the Situation."[1] His book details the forces that cause good people to do bad things.

The current, Stage Five system is a Capitalist Regime of Accumulation. [2]. In order for the planet to move on to Stage Seven, the Regime of Accumulation must be replaced with a Regime of Distribution that fairly and sustainably distributes the planet's .

For more on the current Regime of Accumulation, read

For more on The System


  1. Zimbardo, Philip. The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil. New York: Random House, 2007.
  2. Sosteric. Rocket Scientists’ Guide to Money and the Economy: Accumulation and Debt. St Albert, Alberta: Lightning Path Press., 2016.