Subtle Body
From The SpiritWiki
Subtle Body is a term used in vedic spiritualities to indicate the Bodily Ego.
Syncretic Terms
Bodily Ego > Acquired Self, Antahkarana, Apparent Ego, Awkward Self, Earthly Self, Elusive Self, Empirical Self, False Personality, Illusory Self, King of the Body, Little Self, Not Self, Outer Self, Personality, Self, Sensual Ego, Subtle Body, Talking Self
The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom, specifically the Richards translation, [1] contains a relatively obtuse discussion of the bodily ego,stanzas 95-
- ↑ Sankaracharya, Adi. The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom. Translated by John Richards. 1998, 1946.