Divine World Order
An Avatar.Global Resource
Divine World Order
The Divine World Order is a social, political, economic, psychological, and spiritual world order that automatically emerges when a majority of human beings have successfully exist in a state of integrated Alignment and permanent Connection.
Syncretic Terms
Harmonic Social Structure > Age of Aquarius, Divine World Order, Eupsychia, Garden of Eden, Heaven, Heaven of Reality, New Creation, New Earth, Pure Land, Shambhala, Zion
Related LP Terms
Related Terms
Technically, the Divine World Order is achieved via the expansion of Consciousness in the Physical Unit. As Consciousness expands, human Consciousness Quotient (CQ) rises. As CQ rises, humans experience improved awareness, insight, function, and capacity. Improvements in function and capacity of the physical unit lead naturally towards improved social, economic, psychological, and spiritual conditions.