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In Indian religions and Indian philosophy, moksha (a.k.a. vimoksha, vimukti and mukti) means emancipation, liberation and release. In traditional literature this "freedom" is either freedom from The Body (i.e. freedom from Samsara, the cycle of rebirth and death) or freedom from the litltle self (i.e. Nirvana or, in Lightning Path terms, Connection and identification with the Resident Monadic Consciousness).

According to Hindu thought, Moksha is one of the four aspects and Puruṣārtha (goals) of human life, the others being dharma (virtuous, proper, "right", moral life), artha (prosperous, secure, stable "right" life), and kama (happiness).

The 8thc. Hindu Poem Vivekachudamani treats of Moksha.

In Lightning Path terms, Moksha is acceptance of Self as God, acceptance of Reality, and realization of unity and oneness with The Fabric of Consciousness

Moksha may be distinguished from the Buddhist Nirvana.

See Also


God | The Garden
The Descent | The Blindfold | The Veil

Consciousness | ( Structure of Consciousness | Levels of Consciousness)

Syncretic Terms

Divine World Order | Pearl of Creation | The Garden | The Garden of Eden | Shambhala | Heaven | Kingdom of Heaven | Kingdom of God | Age of Aquarius | New Earth

Further Reading

Spiritwiki. Moksha https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moksha#cite_note-1

Sharp, M. (2006). The Book of Light: The Nature of God, the Structure of Consciousness, and the Universe Within You (Vol. One - Air). St. Albert, Alberta: Lightning Path Press.